c# linq - 基于集合的操作

标签 c# asp.net asp.net-mvc linq

我有一个 IQueryable 列表,它有 5 个字段。其中 4 个来自 DB。 第 5 个字段必须使用连接语句从代码中分配(其他几个表不是引用该表的外键)。


Profile 对以下字段进行分类。

Id, Name, Username, Email, Product

产品字段不在数据库中。它必须使用以下查询在 C# 代码中填充。

  var resultSet = (from a in Profiles
                   join _b_ in billingPeriodIncludes
                   on a.Id equals (int?) _b_._cbp.BundleId into b_
                   from _b in b_.DefaultIfEmpty()
                   where a.Product != null
                   select new
                     Product = (_b != null && _b._p != null) ? (_b._p) : a.Product




var q1 = (from a in Profiles
          join _b_ in billingPeriodIncludes
          on a.Id equals (int?) _b_._cbp.BundleId into b_
          from _b in b_.DefaultIfEmpty()
          //Assign products to the set. Query the set in a separate query.
          a.Product = (_b != null && _b._p != null) ? (_b._p) : a.Product
var q2 = from _q2 in q1 select _q2;



var resultSet = (from a in Profiles
                 join _b_ in billingPeriodIncludes
                 on a.Id equals (int?) _b_._cbp.BundleId into b_
                 from _b in b_.DefaultIfEmpty()
                 where a.Product != null
                 select new Profiles
                    Id = a.Id,
                    Name = a.Name,
                    Username = a.Username,
                    Email = a.Email,
                    Product = (_b != null && _b._p != null) ? (_b._p) : a.Product

您可以直接绑定(bind) Profiles 对象,而不是 anonymous 类型。

关于c# linq - 基于集合的操作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27636112/


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