c# - 如何在 LINQ 中应用 if 条件?

标签 c# asp.net-mvc linq


我想重写我的 LINQ 就好像 flagtrue 然后获取所有记录 else apply .skip( ) & take() 如此处所述

    public IEnumerable<ReportMapper> FetchReports(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int docMode, int pageNumber, bool flag )
            IEnumerable<ReportMapper> reports;
            using (var entities = new DatabaseEntities1())
                IQueryable<ReportMapper> query;
                if (docMode > 0)
                    query = (from c in entities.tDocumentStatus
                             join d in entities.tTOCStructures on c.DocumentId equals d.DocumentID
                             join e in entities.tUsers on d.LastUpdatedBy equals e.UserUID
                             orderby c.AssignedDate descending
                             where c.AssignedDate >= startDate && c.AssignedDate <= endDate && c.StatusId == docMode
                             select new ReportMapper()
                                 DocumentName = d.FolderName,
                                 AssignedDate = c.AssignedDate,
                                 ReviewStatus = c.tStatu.StatusName,
                                 ActionPerformedBy = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName
                             }).Skip(pageNumber * 10).Take(50);
                    query = (from c in entities.tDocumentStatus
                             join d in entities.tTOCStructures on c.DocumentId equals d.DocumentID
                             join e in entities.tUsers on d.LastUpdatedBy equals e.UserUID
                             orderby c.AssignedDate descending
                             where c.AssignedDate >= startDate && c.AssignedDate <= endDate
                             select new ReportMapper()
                                 DocumentName = d.FolderName,
                                 AssignedDate = c.AssignedDate,
                                 ReviewStatus = c.tStatu.StatusName,
                                 ActionPerformedBy = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName
                             }).Skip(pageNumber * 10).Take(50);

                reports = query.ToList<ReportMapper>();

                return reports;
        catch (Exception ex)
            //handle exception


注意:- 请注意,上面查询中的 var docMode 用于检查是否在 where 子句中应用第三个条件(检查我的 where 子句是完全不同的)

有没有不使用 if-else 阶梯的更好方法。



public IEnumerable<ReportMapper> FetchReports(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int docMode, int pageNumber, bool flag)
    using (var entities = new DatabaseEntities1())
        IQueryable<ReportMapper> reports = 
                  from c in entities.tDocumentStatus
                  join d in entities.tTOCStructures on c.DocumentId equals d.DocumentID
                  join e in entities.tUsers on d.LastUpdatedBy equals e.UserUID
                  orderby c.AssignedDate descending
                  where c.AssignedDate >= startDate && c.AssignedDate <= endDate
                    && (docMode <= 0 || c.StatusId == docMode)
                  select new ReportMapper()
                      DocumentName = d.FolderName,
                      AssignedDate = c.AssignedDate,
                      ReviewStatus = c.tStatu.StatusName,
                      ActionPerformedBy = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName

            reports = reports.Skip(pageNumber * 10).Take(50);

        return reports.ToList();

关于c# - 如何在 LINQ 中应用 if 条件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40846104/


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