javascript - 奇怪的 IE,Javascript 只能在开发模式下工作(F12)

标签 javascript jquery html internet-explorer video



我还将在服务器端有一个可播放视频列表,我将使用 ajax 获取列表并决定接下来加载哪个视频。


我使用了 jquery 和 video.js。源码如下,


<div class="container" id="video-container-1">
<div class="container" id="video-container-2">


//I am making a live video by chopping the video into MP4 files of 800ms each
//The play rate has to be adjustable or the local browser and live server will not sync
var play_rate = { 1.0:800, 1.01:790, 1.02:785, 1.03:777, 1.04:770, 1.05:762, 1.06:755, 1.07:748,
  1.08:741, 1.09:734, 1.1:727 };
var min_rate=1.0;
var max_rate=1.1;
var base_rate = 1.03;
var current_rate = base_rate;
var timer_value = play_rate[current_rate];

var key_to_play;
var timer_id;
var newest_key;
var video_server_address = "";

var current_play = 1;
var container = new Array();
var player = new Array;

function video_html(container_id, id) {
  return '<video id="video-js-' + container_id + '" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" ' +
  ' preload="auto" width="960" height="540"  crossorigin="anonymous" ' +
  'data-setup=\'{"example_option":true}\'>' +
  '\t<source src="http://' + video_server_address +'/live/' + id + '.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> \n' +
  '\t\t<track id="video-vtt" kind="subtitle" label="english" srclang="en" src="http://' + video_server_address + '/live/' + id + '.vtt" default></track>\n ' +
  '\t\t<p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p>\n' +
function play_next()
  var next_play;
  if (current_play == 1)
    next_play = 2;
    next_play = 1;

  player[next_play - 1].play();
  container[next_play - 1].show();
  container[current_play - 1].hide();
  if (player[current_play - 1])
    player[current_play - 1].dispose();


  //switch current & next
  current_play = next_play;

  timer_id = setTimeout(function() {
  }, timer_value);

  //Assuming get list + load video < 700ms
  $.get("http://" + video_server_address + "/live/list", 
      keys = list["keys"];
      newest_key = keys[keys.length - 1];

      console.log("key_to_play: " + key_to_play + "  newest_key: " + newest_key);

      var next_play;
      if (current_play == 1)
        next_play = 2;
        next_play = 1;
      //not really useful to you because these are just 
      //to let the video play sync with video server, we can safely 
      //remove these but the video play will out of sync after some time    
      if (key_to_play > newest_key)
        //too fast
        //make it slower?
        if (current_rate > min_rate)
          current_rate = current_rate - 0.01;
          timer_value = play_rate[current_rate];
          //it is already 1.0 (the slowest settings)
          //have to crop on the timer_value
          timer_value = play_rate[current_rate] + 5 * (key_to_play - newest_key);
        //either wait or play again? just play again and test for stability first
        key_to_play = newest_key;
      else if (key_to_play == newest_key || key_to_play == newest_key - 1)
        //the best situation we got
        //don't change anything
        //a little slow
        if (current_rate < max_rate)
          current_rate = current_rate + 0.01;
          timer_value = play_rate[current_rate];
          timer_value = play_rate[current_rate] - 5 * (newest_key - key_to_play);

        //tooo slow, drop 4 * 800ms data
        if (newest_key - key_to_play > 5)
          key_to_play = newest_key - 1;

      container[next_play - 1].html(video_html(next_play, key_to_play));
      player[next_play - 1] = videojs('video-js-' + next_play, {}, function(){
        // Player (this) is initialized and ready.
        //the following is only to make the browser show subtitle
        //without this, the FF will not show subtitle by default
        $('#video-container-' + next_play + " div.vjs-subtitles-button li.vjs-menu-item").eq(1).trigger('click');
      player[next_play - 1].playbackRate(current_rate);



$( document ).ready(function() {
  $.get("http://" + video_server_address + "/live/list", function(list){
    keys = list["keys"];
    key_to_play = keys[keys.length - 2];
    newest_key = keys[keys.length - 1];

    container[0] = $("div#video-container-1");
    container[1] = $("div#video-container-2");

    container[1].html(video_html(2, key_to_play));
    player[0] = null;
    player[1] = videojs("video-js-2",{}, function(){
      // Player (this) is initialized and ready.
      console.log($("#video-container-2 div.vjs-subtitles-button li.vjs-menu-item").eq(1).text());
      $("#video-container-2 div.vjs-subtitles-button li.vjs-menu-item").eq(1).trigger('click');


此代码在 chrome 和 FF 上运行良好,但是,在 IE11 上尝试时,新视频不会加载,它会每 800 毫秒在两个视频(比如视频 1 和 2)之间切换,我认为它会加载后者一个(3、4、5 等等),但它不会播放,它只是继续播放 1 和 2 以及 1 和 2。

当我尝试调试它时,我打开 IE11 开发工具,然后当开发工具准备就绪时,IE11 将运行良好。

只要我关闭开发工具,IE11 就会很烂。

我在想也许 IE11 做了一些优化并优化了一些代码?我该如何检查?




Why does JavaScript only work after opening developer tools in IE once?

对于 OP 来说,是他的 Ajax 请求的缓存导致了这个问题。通过禁用缓存解决:

$.ajax({cache: false, ...})

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