c# - ASP.Net Core 传递 HttpRequestMessage 参数始终为空

标签 c# asp.net-core asp.net-core-webapi


public class LineBotController : ControllerBase
    private LineMessagingClient _lineMessagingClient;

    public LineBotController()
        _lineMessagingClient = new LineMessagingClient(Config._Configuration["Line:ChannelAccessToken"]);

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post(HttpRequestMessage request)
            var events = await request.GetWebhookEventsAsync(Config._Configuration["Line:ChannelSecret"]);
            var app = new LineBotApp(_lineMessagingClient);
            await app.RunAsync(events);
        catch (Exception e)
            Helpers.Log.Create("ERROR! " + e.Message);
        return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

HttpRequestMessage 是否应该从请求中获取所有数据?


    var data = {
        'to': 'xxx',
                "type": "text",
                "text": "Hello, world1"
                "type": "text",
                "text": "Hello, world2"

        type: 'POST',
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: 'json',
        async: false,
        data: JSON.stringify({request: data}),
        url: url,
        authorization: 'Bearer {Key}',
        success: function (success) {
            var x = success;
        error: function (error) {
            var x = error;



Asp.net core 不再使用 HttpRequestMessageHttpResponseMessage。您需要将 Github 存储库中的代码转换为 WebhookRequestMessageHelper


/// <summary>
/// Verify if the request is valid, then returns LINE Webhook events from the request
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">HttpRequestMessage</param>
/// <param name="channelSecret">ChannelSecret</param>
/// <returns>List of WebhookEvent</returns>
public static async Task<IEnumerable<WebhookEvent>> GetWebhookEventsAsync(this HttpRequestMessage request, string channelSecret)
    if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); }
    if (channelSecret == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelSecret)); }

    var content = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    var xLineSignature = request.Headers.GetValues("X-Line-Signature").FirstOrDefault();
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xLineSignature) || !VerifySignature(channelSecret, xLineSignature, content))
        throw new InvalidSignatureException("Signature validation faild.");
    return WebhookEventParser.Parse(content);

这样它就可以在.net core中工作。

public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] string content) {
    try {              
        var events = WebhookEventParser.Parse(content);
        var app = new LineBotApp(_lineMessagingClient);
        await app.RunAsync(events);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Helpers.Log.Create("ERROR! " + e.Message);
    return Ok();


关于c# - ASP.Net Core 传递 HttpRequestMessage 参数始终为空,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52885065/


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