javascript - 如何将数据从 C# 传递到 javascript 函数?

标签 javascript c# model-view-controller

我是网络编程的新手。我从 ASP.NET 教程项目开始,制作了一个 html 页面并完成了所有 MVC 内容。现在,我的 C# 代码中有一个数组,我想将其传递给 javascript 函数。但我不知道怎么做,而且在网上找不到任何东西。



所以我根据初步反馈尝试以下操作。我的项目是.netcore2,所以我无法使用System.web 的东西。我在网上读到 json.NET 让我可以进行序列化/反序列化,所以我改用它。

我更新了 DeserializeObject 以使用 Dictionary,但仍然遇到相同的未定义异常。


在客户端,我认为下面的代码引发了弹出异常。所以响应在 C#/MVC/Controller 端没有成功...... 我只是不知道如何解决这个问题......

 if (response.Status !== "OK") {
                alert("Exception: " + response.Status + " |  " + response.Message); 


var myRequest = {
    key: 'identifier_here',
    action: 'action_here',
    otherThing: 'other_here'

//To send it, you will need to serialize myRequest.  JSON.strigify will do the trick
var requestData = JSON.stringify(myRequest);

    type: "POST",
    url: "/Home/MyPage",
    data: { inputData: requestData }, //Change inputData to match the argument in your controller method

    success: function (response) {
        if (response.Status !== "OK") {
            alert("Exception: " + response.Status + " |  " + response.Message);
        else {
            var content = response;//hell if I know
            //Add code for successful thing here.
            //response will contain whatever you put in it on the server side.
            //In this example I'm expecting Status, Message, and MyArray

    failure: function (response) {
        alert("Failure: " + response.Status + " |  " + response.Message);
    error: function (response) {
        alert("Error: " + response.Status + " |  " + response.Message);

C#/MVC/ Controller

    public JsonResult RespondWithData(string inputData)//JSON should contain key, action, otherThing
        JsonResult RetVal = new JsonResult(new object());  //We will use this to pass data back to the client

            var JSONObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string,string>>(inputData);

            string RequestKey = JSONObj["key"];
            string RequestAction = JSONObj["action"];
            string RequestOtherThing = JSONObj["otherThing"];

            //Use your request information to build your array
            //You didn't specify what kind of array, but it works the same regardless.
            int[] ResponseArray = new int[10];

            for (int i = 0; i < ResponseArray.Length; i++)
                ResponseArray[i] = i;

            //Write out the response
            RetVal = Json(new
                Status = "OK",
                Message = "Response Added",
                MyArray = ResponseArray

        catch (Exception ex)
            //Response if there was an error
            RetVal = Json(new
                Status = "ERROR",
                Message = ex.ToString(),
                MyArray = new int[0]
        return RetVal;



在 C# 中

protected string arrayElements = String.Join("_separator_",yourArray);


 var arr = arrayElements;


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