html - 仅隐藏 html 段落中的文本

标签 html css

我想隐藏段落中的文字,但上面有一张图片和一些文字。当我使用 css 不显示时,所有段落都被隐藏了......但我只想隐藏文本而不是图像。 这是代码。

  <a href="/_blog/News_and_Inspiration/post/Cooking_up_a_storm/"><img alt="" style="border: 0px solid; width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" src="/images/blog/Shaun-Clouston.jpg" /></a>
    The executive chef of Wellington&rsquo;s award winning  Restaurant, Shaun Clouston is just one of the award winning New Zealand Beef and Lamb Ambassador chefs we have cooking up a storm at our Rural Women New Zealand Beef + Lamb Cooking Demonstrations over the coming months.&nbsp;

  <img src="/images/blog/Southland Life Education Trust Car 2.jpg" alt="">
  Two years ago the Southland Life Education Community Trust approached our four Southland Provincials, asking for assistance to replace their educator’s car, as the current one needed major repairs.



p {
    font-size: 0;


关于html - 仅隐藏 html 段落中的文本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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html - 重叠 <li 元素 - CSS 自定义

css - 子元素延伸过去的容器元素

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html - 将 HTML 解析为 NSAttributedText - 如何设置字体?

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javascript - ASP.NET AJAX--styleSheet.insertRule() 未按预期工作

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