c# - VS 2010 单元测试和无符号类型

标签 c# unit-testing nunit migration mstest

我正在将我的单元测试从 NUnit 转换到 VisualStudio 2010 单元测试框架。以下ByteToUShortTest()方法失败并显示消息:

Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<System.UInt16[]>. Actual:<System.UInt16[]>.

[TestMethod, CLSCompliant(false)]
public void ByteToUShortTest()
    var array = new byte[2];
    Assert.AreEqual(ByteToUShort(array), new ushort[1]);


public static ushort[] ByteToUShort(byte[] array)
    return ByteToUShort(array, 0, array.Length, EndianType.LittleEndian);

public enum EndianType

public static ushort[] ByteToUShort(byte[] array, int offset, int length, EndianType endianType)
    // argument validation
    if ((length + offset) > array.Length)
        throw new ArgumentException("The length and offset provided extend past the end of the array.");
    if ((length % 2) != 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("The number of bytes to convert must be a multiple of 2.", "length");

    var temp = new ushort[length / 2];

    for (int i = 0, j = offset; i < temp.Length; i++)
        if (endianType == EndianType.LittleEndian)
            temp[i] = (ushort)(((uint)array[j++] & 0xFF) | (((uint)array[j++] & 0xFF) << 8));
            temp[i] = (ushort)(((uint)array[j++] & 0xFF) << 8 | ((uint)array[j++] & 0xFF));

    return temp;

此测试使用 NUnit 成功运行。知道为什么类型应该不同吗?


对于一维和多维数组,以及任何ICollection , VisualStudio 2010 单元测试框架提供了 CollectionAssert类(class)。

[TestMethod, CLSCompliant(false)]
public void ByteToUShortTest()
    var array = new byte[2];
    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ByteToUShort(array), new ushort[1]);



关于c# - VS 2010 单元测试和无符号类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1102097/


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