c# - C#中异步方法回调的区分

标签 c# events asynchronous event-handling


    static EventInfo result = null;

    // eventHandler, which assigns the event's result to a locale variable
    void OnEventInfoHandler(object sender, EventInfoArgs args)
       result = args.Info;

    resultReceived += OnEventInfoHandler;        

    // async method call, which fires the event on occuring changes. the parameter defines on what kind of change the event has to be fired


var result_1 = ReturnOnChange("change1");
var result_2 = ReturnOnChange("change2");



您可以使用 TaskCompletionSource。

public Task<YourResultType> GetResultAsync(string change)
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<YourResultType>();

    // resultReceived object must be differnt instance for each ReturnOnChange call
    resultReceived += (o, ea) => {
           // check error


    ReturnOnChange(change); // as you mention this is async

    return tcs.Task;



var result_1 = await GetResultAsync("change1");
var result_2 = await GetResultAsync("change2");

如果你不想使用 async/await 机制并且想阻塞线程获取结果,你可以这样做:

var result_1 = GetResultAsync("change1").Result; //this will block thread.
var result_2 = GetResultAsync("change2").Result;

关于c# - C#中异步方法回调的区分,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17316172/


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