c# - 当 C# 表达式使用引用类型时 Activity 抛出异常

标签 c# workflow-foundation-4

我有一个原始的“作业”事件。它从父序列的输入变量中获取值,并将它们放入父序列的输出变量中。如果我简单地执行这个复制操作,一切正常,工作流成功完成。如果我引入系统类型“Random”或项目枚举“ReportStatusType”,工作流将抛出异常“抛出 System.NotSupportedException:“表达式事件类型‘CSharpValue`1’需要编译才能运行。”

我根据 wf 4 的示例创建了此工作流。我认为我使用的是 wf 4.5。我在 VS2013 中工作,目标是 .NET Framework 4.5。我使用了使用 IIS 平台的“WCF 工作流服务应用程序”模板。我正在使用“WCF 测试客户端”来调用服务并查看响应。


new ExpenseReportConfirmation() {
       Amount = report.Amount,
       City = report.Amount,
       Client = report.Client,
       Employee = report.Employee,
       EndDate = report.EndDate,
       StartDate = report.StartDate,
       ReportID = 5


new ExpenseReportConfirmation() {
       Amount = report.Amount,
       City = report.Amount,
       Client = report.Client,
       Employee = report.Employee,
       EndDate = report.EndDate,
       StartDate = report.StartDate,
       ReportID = new Random().Next(0,5),


enter image description here

如果我尝试在另一个分配事件中创建 ReportID,然后在上面显示的值表达式中引用它,这也会失败。在表达 Random() 的任何地方它都会失败。



来自 here :

C# expressions are supported in XAMLX workflow services. When a workflow service is hosted in IIS or WAS then no additional steps are required, but if the XAML workflow service is self-hosted, then the C# expressions must be compiled. To compile the C# expressions in a self-hosted XAMLX workflow service, first load the XAMLX file into a WorkflowService, and then pass the Body of the WorkflowService to the CompileExpressions method described in the previous Using C# expressions in code workflows section. In the following example, a XAMLX workflow service is loaded, the C# expressions are compiled, and then the workflow service is opened and waits for requests.


// Load the XAMLX workflow service.
WorkflowService workflow1 =

// Compile the C# expressions in the workflow by passing the Body to CompileExpressions.

// Initialize the WorkflowServiceHost.
var host = new WorkflowServiceHost(workflow1, new Uri("http://localhost:8293/Service1.xamlx"));

// Enable Metadata publishing/
ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
smb.MetadataExporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;

// Open the WorkflowServiceHost and wait for requests.
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to quit");

选项 2 - 使用自定义主机工厂(可能更容易和更直接)

public class CSharpWorkflowServiceHostFactory : WorkflowServiceHostFactory
    protected override WorkflowServiceHost CreateWorkflowServiceHost(WorkflowService service, Uri[] baseAddresses)
        return base.CreateWorkflowServiceHost(service, baseAddresses);

现在将工厂添加到您的 web.config 中:

             <add relativeAddress="WcfWorkflow.xalmx" service="WcfWorkflow.xalmx" factory="Namespace.CSharpWorkflowServiceHostFactory" />

关于c# - 当 C# 表达式使用引用类型时 Activity 抛出异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22915005/


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