c# - 等待抽象函数完成 c#

标签 c# asynchronous async-await task abstract

我有两个类(CLASS1 和 CLASS2),我从 CLASS1 调用一个抽象方法,我需要等待它结束并显示消息“结束进程...”,我该如何解决这个问题?

1 级:

public abstract partial class CLASS1 : Form
    public CLASS1()
        Console.WriteLine("Start Process ABSMethod1");
        ABSMethod1("var1", "var2");
        Console.WriteLine("End Process ABSMethod1");

        Console.WriteLine("Start Process ABSMethod2");
        ABSMethod2(1, 2);
        Console.WriteLine("End Process ABSMethod2");

    protected abstract void ABSMethod1(String var1, String var2);
    protected abstract void ABSMethod2(int var1, int var2);

2 级:

class CLASS2: CLASS1
    protected override void ABSMethod1(String var1, String var2)
        if (var1 == "test")
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                Parallel.ForEach<clssmt>(items, item =>
                    /* ... */
        //if i use Task.Wait() freezes UI.

    protected override void ABSMethod2(int var1, int var2)
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            Parallel.ForEach<clssmt>(items, item =>
                /* ... */

我使用 protected virtual async Taskawait 解决了这个问题,但我不确定这是否是最佳解决方案。如果我使用此解决方案,则在该任务完成之前几乎不会显示消息“End Procces”。


i need wait to end of it and show a message "End Process...", how can i solve this?

您将那些已执行的Task 公开给调用者。您也不通过构造函数调用它们,而是通过初始化方法:

protected abstract Task FirstMethodAsync(string var1, string var2);
protected abstract Task SecondMethodAsync(int var1, int var2);

public async Task InitializeAsync()
     Console.WriteLine("Start Process ABSMethod1");
     await FirstMethodAsync("var1", "var2");
     Console.WriteLine("End Process ABSMethod1");

     Console.WriteLine("Start Process ABSMethod2");
     await SecondMethodAsync(1, 2);
     Console.WriteLine("End Process ABSMethod2");

关于c# - 等待抽象函数完成 c#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31096103/


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