c# - 替换字符串并忽略下划线

标签 c# regex string


string[] sentences =
foreach (string s in sentences)

    string pattern = String.Format(@"\b{0}\b", "world"); // whole case ignore underscore
    string result = Regex.Replace(s, pattern, "charp");

    Console.WriteLine(s + " = " + result);


// Hello

// helloworld

// hello_charp

// hello_charp_


类似这样的事情 - 为了测试 underscopes,但不是include它们进入匹配使用look aheadlook behind 正则表达式结构。

  string[] sentences = new string[] {
     "hello, my world!", // My special test
     "my-world-to-be",   // ... and another one
     "worlds",           // ... and final one

  String toFind = "world";
  String toReplace = "charp";

  // do to forget to escape (for arbitrary toFind String)
  string pattern = String.Format(@"(\b|(?<=_)){0}(\b|(?=_))", 
    Regex.Escape(toFind)); // whole word ignore underscore

  // Test:

  // Hello
  // helloworld
  // hello_charp
  // hello_charp_
  // hello, my charp!
  // my-charp-to-be
  // worlds

  foreach (String line in sentences)
    Console.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(line, pattern, toReplace));

在我的解决方案中,我假设您只想更改由单词边框('\b') 或下作用域 '_'

关于c# - 替换字符串并忽略下划线,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36769830/



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