c# - 文字轰炸

标签 c#


Write a program that reads a text and line width from the console. The program should distribute the text so that it fits in a table with a specific line width. Each cell should contain only 1 character. It should then read a line with numbers, holding the columns that should be bombarded.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace _04.Text_Bombardment
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var sentence = Console.ReadLine();
            var bombing = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            var selected = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            Dictionary<int, bool> bombDict = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
            var newSentence = sentence + new string(' ', bombing - sentence.Length % bombing); // whole row minus words left

            for (int i = 0; i < selected.Length; i++)
                bombDict.Add(selected[i], true);
            var rows = newSentence.Length / bombing;
            var cols = bombing;

            var count = 0;

            var arrSent = newSentence.ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
                    if (bombDict.ContainsKey(j) && bombDict[j] == true && arrSent[count] != ' ')
                        arrSent[count] = ' ';
                            if (arrSent[count + bombing] == ' ')
                                bombDict[j] = false;
                                bombDict[j] = true;

                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
            var finalSent = string.Join("", arrSent).TrimEnd();


Vazov received his elementary education in hisnative town of Sopoandat Plovdiv. The son of a conservative, well-to-do merchant.
1 6 17 2 5 0 15


ov  eceived  i  e   en  ry educa i n    hi  ative to n of  opo  dat Plov iv. T e s   of a co serva ive  well-to- o mer ha t.


ov  eceived  i  e   en  ry educa i n    hi  ative to n of  opo  dat Plov iv. T e s   of a co serva ive  well-to- o mer han . 

所以它只在最后不起作用。 有人能帮我吗? 有什么建议吗?


例如,我们阅读文本“Well this problem is gonna be a ride.”和线宽 10。我们将文本分布在 4 行 10 列中。我们读取数字“1 3 7 9”并在表中的这些列上投下炸弹。 炸弹摧毁了它们落在的角色及其下方的所有相邻角色。
注意:被摧毁角色下方的空白区域可以阻止炸弹(见第 7 栏)。 最后,我们在控制台上打印轰炸文本:“W l th s o lem i o na be a r de。” 注意:不应打印表格中文本后的空单元格。
enter image description here




static void Main()
    string sentence = "Well this problem is gonna be a ride.";
    int numberOfColumns = int.Parse("10");
    List<int> bombs = "1 3 7 9".Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToList();

    // we need to convert to decimal, otherwise C# will ignore decimal part. 
    //example: 127/20 = 6.35, so we need 7 rows. if we don't convert to decimal we have 6
    // the Ceiling says, always round up. so even 6.1 will be rounded to 7
    int numberOfRows = (int)Math.Ceiling(sentence.Length / Convert.ToDecimal(numberOfColumns));

    char[,] array = new char[numberOfRows, numberOfColumns];

    int sentencePointer = 0;
    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numberOfRows; rowIndex++)
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numberOfColumns; colIndex++)
            // if you want to print the grid with the full text, just comment the 3 lines below,
            //and keep only "array[rowIndex, colIndex] = sentence[sentencePointer];"
            if (bombs.Contains(colIndex))
                if (sentence[sentencePointer] == ' ') // bomb is deactivated
                    array[rowIndex, colIndex] = sentence[sentencePointer];
                    array[rowIndex, colIndex] = '*'; // * represents a bomb
                array[rowIndex, colIndex] = sentence[sentencePointer];

            sentencePointer++; // move next character
            if (sentencePointer >= sentence.Length)
                break; // we reach the end of the sentence.

    PrintGrid(array, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns);

    // just give some space to print the final sentence

    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numberOfRows; rowIndex++)
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numberOfColumns; colIndex++)
            Console.Write(array[rowIndex, colIndex]);


private static void PrintGrid(char[,] array, int numberOfRows, int numberOfColumns)
    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', numberOfColumns * 2));

    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numberOfRows; rowIndex++)
        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numberOfColumns; colIndex++)
            Console.Write(array[rowIndex, colIndex]);

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