c# - Sonarqube 是否支持 Xamarin 的代码质量?

标签 c# msbuild xamarin.ios sonarqube

我正在处理一个 Xamarin 项目。我想用 sonarqube 检查代码质量。我看到有对 .net/c# 项目的支持。我已按照说明 here 进行操作对于 Xamarin.I 能够执行开始和重建的前两个步骤。当我执行第三步“结束”

SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe end


mono /Users/apple/Downloads/sonar-scanner-msbuild- end
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 2.3.2
Default properties file was found at /Users/apple/Downloads/sonar-scanner-msbuild-
Loading analysis properties from /Users/apple/Downloads/sonar-scanner-msbuild-
Post-processing started.
SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS is not configured. Setting it to the default value of -Xmx1024m
Calling the SonarQube Scanner...
Execution failed. The specified executable does not exist: /Users/apple/Downloads/sonar-scanner-msbuild-\bin\sonar-scanner.bat
The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully
13:17:17.361  Creating a summary markdown file...
13:17:17.366  Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1


目前不支持在非 Windows 平台上使用扫描仪。

有一个 Unresolved 问题:https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-319

关于c# - Sonarqube 是否支持 Xamarin 的代码质量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44278774/


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