c# - 用于对集合列表进行排序的 Lambda 表达式

标签 c# .net linq lambda


  <Department Position="9">
   <Employee No="7" Status="True" />
   <Employee No="6" Status="True" />
   <Employee No="8" Status="True" />
<Department Position="4">
  <Employee No="7" Status="True" />
  <Employee No="8" Status="True" />
  <Employee No="6" Status="True" />

Out put should  be  sorted  by department position  and  employee  "No"

 <Department Position="4">
  <Employee No="6" Status="True" />
  <Employee No="7" Status="True" />
  <Employee No="8" Status="True" />
 <Department Position="9">
   <Employee No="6" Status="True" />
   <Employee No="7" Status="True" />
   <Employee No="8" Status="True" />


var sortSignalList = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>();

sortSignalList.OrderBy(x => x.Position).OrderBy(x=>x.No).ToList();


sortSignalList.OrderBy(x => x.Position).ThenBy(x=>x.No).ToList();

关于c# - 用于对集合列表进行排序的 Lambda 表达式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53644785/


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