c# - Unity 如何检测 Sprite 丢失?还是空?

标签 c# unity3d

我想检测图像 Sprite 是“缺失”还是“无”

  1. enter image description here
  2. enter image description here

当我得到这个 Sprite 时,他们都像这样得到“null”, 那么我怎么知道它是“Missing”还是“None”呢? enter image description here

PS : 我想知道它是 missing 还是 none ,这对我来说是不同的情况。


当尝试访问它们时,Unity 会因引用为 null 的不同原因抛出不同的异常!

这也是你应该strongly avoid someObject == null的原因检查。 Unity 有 overwritten == null 类型 Object 的行为(基本上是大多数 Unity 内置类型的母类),即使一个对象看起来是 null 它仍然存储一些信息,比如 - 正如刚才提到的 - 为什么它是 null 的原因。

所以你可以使用一个小“技巧”​​并简单地尝试访问一个字段并检查你在 try - catch block 中到底得到了哪个异常:

public void CheckReference(Object reference)
        var blarf = reference.name;
    catch (MissingReferenceException) // General Object like GameObject/Sprite etc
        Debug.LogError("The provided reference is missing!");
    catch (MissingComponentException) // Specific for objects of type Component
        Debug.LogError("The provided reference is missing!");
    catch (UnassignedReferenceException) // Specific for unassigned fields
        Debug.LogWarning("The provided reference is null!");
    catch (NullReferenceException) // Any other null reference like for local variables
        Debug.LogWarning("The provided reference is null!");


public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    public Renderer renderer;
    public Collider collider;

    private void Awake()
        renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();

    private void Update()
        if (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) return;

        CheckReference(renderer); // MissingComponentException
        CheckReference(collider); // UnassignedReferenceException

        Sprite sprite = null;

        CheckReference(sprite);   // NullReferenceException

        sprite = Sprite.Create(new Texture2D(1, 1), new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), Vector2.zero);
        CheckReference(sprite);   // MissingReferenceException

    public void CheckReference(Object reference)
            var blarf = reference.name;
        catch (MissingReferenceException) // General Object like GameObject/Sprite etc
            Debug.LogError("The provided reference is missing!");
        catch (MissingComponentException) // Specific for objects of type Component
            Debug.LogError("The provided reference is missing!");
        catch (UnassignedReferenceException) // Specific for unassigned fields
            Debug.LogWarning("The provided reference is null!");
        catch (NullReferenceException) // Any other null reference like for local variables
            Debug.LogWarning("The provided reference is null!");

enter image description here

关于c# - Unity 如何检测 Sprite 丢失?还是空?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58055025/


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