c# - 在谈论事件处理程序时,关键字 this 在 C# 中意味着什么?

标签 c# events event-handling

当我为 csharp 编写事件处理程序时,它看起来像这样:

public void FooHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //do stuff..
    this.doSomething();  //Does the "this" keyword mean something in this context?




public class GizmoManager {
    public void Manage() {
        g = new Gizmo();
        g.Foo += new EventHandler(FooHandler);

this(在 FooHandler 中)指的是什么?


是的,它是对调用 FooHandler() 的对象的引用。委托(delegate)能够引用静态和非静态方法。在谈论非静态的时,this 是对对象实例的引用。

class A
   public delegate void MyDelegate(object sender, int x);
   public event MyDelegate TheEvent;

   public void func()
     if(TheEvent != null) TheEvent(this, 123);

class B
   public B()
     A a = new A();
     a.TheEvent += handler;

   public void handler(object sender, int x)
      // "sender" is a reference to object of type A that we've created in ctor
      // "x" is 123
      // "this" is a reference to B (b below)

B b = new B(); // here it starts


g = new Gizmo();
g.Foo += new EventHandler(FooHandler);


g = new Gizmo();
g.Foo += new EventHandler(this.FooHandler); // look here

在这种情况下,this 与您的处理程序中的 this 相同;-)

更重要的是,如果您在理解 this 时遇到一些问题:

class X
  int a;

  public X(int b)
    this.a = b; // this stands for "this object"
    // a = b is absolutely the same

  public X getItsThis()
    return this;

X x = new X();
X x2 = x.getItsThis();
// x and x2 refer to THE SAME object
// there's still only one object of class X, but 2 references: x and x2

关于c# - 在谈论事件处理程序时,关键字 this 在 C# 中意味着什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7026539/


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