c# - StringWriter 与 StreamWriter 包装 MemoryStream - 区别

标签 c# .net


        byte[] snapthotBytes, snapthotBytes2;
        string stringOutput, stringOutput2;
        IInvestigationDump investigationDump = new HtmlSnapshotDump();
        using (TextWriter writer = new StringWriter())
            investigationDump.Dump(investigation, writer);
            snapthotBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(writer.ToString());
            stringOutput = writer.ToString();
        } // end of first implementation

        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
        using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
            investigationDump.Dump(investigation, writer);
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
            stringOutput2 = reader.ReadToEnd();
            snapthotBytes2 = stream.ToArray();
        } // end of second implementation

        // stringOutput != stringOutput2 - content wise
        // snapthotBytes != snapthotBytes2 - content wise


  • Dump 方法只是遍历 investigation 对象并呈现 HTML 报告(通过写入 writer 对象)。
  • 除了 StringWriter 使用 UTF-16 编码和 XML 声明会有所不同之外,stringOutput 和 stringOutput2 应该具有相同的内容。 Dump 方法签名是:

void Dump(IInvestigation investigation, TextWriter writer);

  • Dump 方法只是写入一个 writer,没有任何条件等。

起初我使用的是 MemoryStream 代码片段,因为我直接收到了 byte[],所以更容易。但很快我意识到了一个错误。令人惊讶的是,stringOutput2(由 MemoryStream 解决方案生成)被修剪了,它更短了!它只是以经过修剪的 HTML 内容结尾:

          <td>Certificate or License No</td>
          <td class="value">Friuan</td>
          <td>Place of Issue</td>
          <td class="value">Foruan</td>
          <td>Award Date</td>





关于c# - StringWriter 与 StreamWriter 包装 MemoryStream - 区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8339941/


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