c# - 附加限制 > 10

标签 c# sqlite

我遇到了 sqlite 数据库程序的问题。我试图将 30 个数据库连接在一起并遇到 10 个错误的限制: “SQLite 错误 附加的数据库过多 - 最多 10"

根据 http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/limit.html我们应该能够将允许附加数据库的最大数量设置为超过 10 个。我正在使用 C# 和 system.data.sqlite.dll 作为接口(interface)。有谁知道我如何设置上限 > 10?


来自implementation limits页面(强调我的):

The maximum number of attached databases can be lowered at run-time using the sqlite3_limit(db,SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED,size) interface.

来自Run-time limits页:

For each limit category SQLITE_LIMIT_NAME there is a hard upper bound set at compile-time by a C preprocessor macro called SQLITE_MAX_NAME. (The _ LIMIT _ in the name is changed to _ MAX _.) Attempts to increase a limit above its hard upper bound are silently truncated to the hard upper bound.

基于你只能降低限制的事实,我认为 SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED 是一个设置为 10 的编译常量。如果你想让它更大,你必须在源代码并重新编译 SQLite。


The code generator in SQLite uses bitmaps to keep track of attached databases. That means that the number of attached databases cannot be increased above 62.

给你。即使你让它大于 10,由于数据库的架构,62 也是一个物理硬限制。

关于c# - 附加限制 > 10,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9845448/


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