c# - 具有固定类型参数的抽象工厂方法

标签 c# types

有没有一种巧妙的方法来指定一个类必须包含一个工厂方法,该方法返回与覆盖抽象方法的类相同类型的对象? (编辑: 或者正如 Johnathon Sullinger 更有说服力的说法,[...] 让基类强制子类实现返回子类本身实例的方法,并且不允许返回从基类继承的任何其他类型的实例。)

例如,如果我有两个类,SimpleFoo : BaseFooFancyFoo : BaseFoo,我可以定义一个抽象工厂方法 public TFoo WithSomeProp( SomeProp prop) 其中 TFoo 是一个类型参数,由抽象方法定义以某种方式固定到覆盖它的特定类?


  1. SomeFoo : BaseFoo 中的具体 WithSomeProp 方法定义将只能生成 SomeFoo。如果静态抽象方法定义是合法的,也许以下(伪语法)方法扩展最能表达这种需要:

    public static abstract TFoo WithSomeProp<TFoo>(this TFoo source, SomeProp prop)
        where TFoo : BaseFoo;

    我认为这在 C# 中是不可能的。

  2. 或至少以某种方式在抽象方法中参数化返回类型,例如

    public abstract TFoo WithSomeProp<TFoo>(SomeProp prop)
        where TFoo : BaseFoo;

    这不会阻止 FancyFoo.WithSomeProp 返回 SimpleFoo,但是可以。


    public override SimpleFoo WithSomeProp(SomeProp prop)
        return new SimpleFoo(this.SomeOtherProp, ..., prop);


    no suitable method found to override


现在我只有 public abstract BaseFoo WithSomeProp(SomeProp prop);




例如,给定一个名为 BaseFactory 的基类, 和 BaseFactory<T> ,我们可以创建一个抽象类,要求子类向父类指定,创建方法返回什么类型。我们包括一个 BaseFactory类所以我们可以约束T仅作为 BaseFactory 的子类.




public abstract class BaseFactory { }

public abstract class BaseFactory<TImpl> : BaseFactory where TImpl : BaseFactory, new()
    public static TImpl Create(Action<TImpl> itemConfiguration = null)
        var child = new TImpl();
        return child;


public class Foo : BaseFactory<Foo>
    public bool IsCompleted { get; set; }
    public int Percentage { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }

public class Bar : BaseFactory<Bar>
    public string Username { get; set; }


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Both work
        Bar bar1 = Bar.Create();
        Foo foo1 = Foo.Create();

        // Won't compile because of different Types.
        Bar bar2 = Foo.Create();

        // Allows for configuring the properties
        Bar bar3 = Bar.Create(instanceBar => instanceBar.Username = "Jane Done");
        Foo foo2 = Foo.Create(instanceFoo =>
            instanceFoo.IsCompleted = true;
            instanceFoo.Percentage = 100;
            instanceFoo.Data = "My work here is done.";


BaseFactory<T>将负责创建 TImpl 的新实例并将其归还。

public abstract class BaseFactory { }

public abstract class BaseFactory<TImpl> : BaseFactory where TImpl : BaseFactory
    public abstract TImpl WithSomeProp();

现在,您的子类可以创建,并继承自 BaseFactory<T> ,告诉基类 T代表自己。这意味着 child 只能返回自己。

public class Foo : BaseFactory<Foo>
    public override Foo WithSomeProp()
        return new Foo();

public class Bar : BaseFactory<Bar>
    public override Bar WithSomeProp()
        return new Bar();


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj1 = new Bar();

        // Works
        Bar obj2 = obj1.WithSomeProp();

        // Won't compile because obj1 returns Bar.
        Foo obj3 = obj1.WithSomeProp();

如果你真的想确保指定的泛型与拥有类型相同,你可以改为 WithSomeProp一个 protected 方法,以便子类只能看到它。然后,您在基类上创建一个可以进行类型检查的公共(public)方法。

public abstract class BaseFactory { }

public abstract class BaseFactory<TImpl> : BaseFactory where TImpl : BaseFactory
    protected abstract TImpl WithSomeProp();

    public TImpl Create()
        Type myType = this.GetType();
        if (typeof(TImpl) != myType)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{myType.Name} can not create instances of itself because the generic argument it provided to the factory is of a different Type.");

        return this.WithSomeProp();

public class Foo : BaseFactory<Foo>
    protected override Foo WithSomeProp()
        return new Foo();

public class Bar : BaseFactory<Bar>
    protected override Bar WithSomeProp()
        return new Bar();

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj1 = new Bar();

        // Works
        Bar obj2 = obj1.Create();

        // Won't compile because obj1 returns Bar.
        Foo obj3 = obj1.Create();

现在,如果您创建一个传递不同类型作为 T 的子类,基类将捕获它并抛出异常。

// Throws exception when BaseFactory.Create() is called, even though this compiles fine.
public class Bar : BaseFactory<Foo>
    protected override Foo WithSomeProp()
        return new Foo();


关于c# - 具有固定类型参数的抽象工厂方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39711272/


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