c# - 选择文本文件用作 Unity 中的字典

标签 c# linq dictionary unity3d


public Text selectedCategory; //contains the text of the selected category
private Dictionary<String,String> wordList = new Dictionary<String,String> (); //holds the dictionary
private string[] wordListArray; //the array the contents of the text file is first loaded to
private TextAsset textAsset; //the text asset to be used
private string category; // the category selected

void Awake(){
    category = selectedCategory.text;
    textAsset = Resources.Load ("words", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
    Debug.Log ("Words dictionary is loaded");
    wordListArray = textAsset.text.Split (new char[] {'\r', '\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    wordList = wordListArray.ToDictionary (s => s);
    Debug.Log ("File loaded as dictionary");


void Awake(){
    category = selectedCategory.text;
    if (String.Compare(category, "Animals") == 1) {
        textAsset = Resources.Load ("animals", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        Debug.Log ("Animals dictionary is loaded");
    } else {
        textAsset = Resources.Load ("words", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        Debug.Log ("Words dictionary is loaded");
    wordListArray = textAsset.text.Split (new char[] {'\r', '\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    wordList = wordListArray.ToDictionary (s => s);
    Debug.Log ("File loaded as dictionary");


ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.String].Add (System.String key, System.String value) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:404) System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[String,String,String] (IEnumerable1 source, System.Func2 keySelector, System.Func2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer1 comparer) System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[String,String] (IEnumerable1 source, System.Func2 keySelector, IEqualityComparer1 comparer) System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[String,String] (IEnumerable1 source, System.Func2 keySelector) GameController.Awake () (at Assets/Scripts/GameController.cs:127)


C# 字典具有键值结构,这意味着它看起来像这样:

Dictionary<string, string> dictionary示例:

(Key => Value)

"greeting" => "Hello"
"animal" => "Dog"

当得到一个值时,你给字典字符串 Key并返回值。

 Debug.Log(dictionary["greeting"]) --> "Hello"


"greeting" => "Hello"
"animal" => "Dog"
"greeting" => "Hey"

您将得到一个异常,因为您破坏了 Dictionary 的工作方式(一个值的唯一键)。如果您没有得到异常并且您尝试访问键“greeting”的值,您会得到哪个值?

Debug.Log(dictionary["greeting"]) --> ???


您需要确保每个键都是唯一的。在您的文本文件中,您有同一个词的多个实例。我没有看到字典的使用,也许你被“字典”这个词的语义和你想用它做什么所困。我认为 List 就是您所追求的(?),这意味着没有键,只有值。

因为我不知道你想要达到什么目的,所以很难推荐一个解决方案,但你可以在字典上阅读更多信息 here .和 here这是对如何从数组填充它的答案(如果您确实需要它作为字典)。


I used a dictionary because I want to be able to check if the text file contains a word


wordList = wordListArray.ToList();


if (wordList.contains(YourString)) {
    Debug.Log(YourString + " exist in wordList!");


I get the structure of the dictionary but from my code I am loading the contents of the text file into the dictionary and before doing that depending on the category selected a particular text file is loaded... say i have text files with names animals, countries, names. if the person selects names the names text file is loaded

给我的印象是您还有另一个问题,即如何选择要加载的文件。那么为此你需要一些不同的东西,我假设你有,我们称之为 playerChoice .方法如下:

TextAsset textAsset;
switch (playerChoice) {
    case "PlayerOption1":
        textAsset = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("words1", typeof(TextAsset));
    case "PlayerOption2":
        textAsset = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("words2", typeof(TextAsset));

// and then the rest of your textAsset, 
// handling code (splitting on linebreaks and .ToList())


关于c# - 选择文本文件用作 Unity 中的字典,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42643810/


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