c# - 在按钮集合中创建、使用和比较元素

标签 c# button collections


事情是,我创建了 9 个按钮,它们在单击时会更改它们的背景图像,并禁用它们自己。我已经设法让 2 个玩家运行,但我的愿望是创建某种 AI。

我需要一个按钮集合,这样我就可以比较它们的属性,避免通常的一对一比较和大量的 If 语句。







I published a sample console project that compiles and runs.
Its model is separate from presentation so you can take TicTacToe.cs and write a GUI for it.

enter image description here

你不需要字符串; bool 值适用于两种状态。
事实上,还有第三种状态,它是空的,所以你可以使用一个可空的 bool 值。

所以 X 对应于 true,O 对应于 false,空格对应于 null
我将创建一个封装可为 null 的 bool 方形数组的类:

class TicTacToe {
    const int Length = 3;
    private bool? [][] _data;
    private bool? _winner;

    public TicTacToe ()
        _data = Enumerable
            .Range (0, Length)
            .Select (_ => new bool? [Length])
            .ToArray ();


public bool? GetCell (int row, int column)
    return _data [row][column];

public IEnumerable<bool?> GetRow (int index)
    return _data [index];

IEnumerable<int> GetIndices ()
   return Enumerable.Range (0, Length);

public IEnumerable<bool?> GetColumn (int index)
    return GetIndices ()
        .Select (GetRow)
        .Select (row => row.ElementAt (index));

public IEnumerable<bool?> GetDiagonal (bool ltr)
    return GetIndices ()
        .Select (i => Tuple.Create (i, ltr ? i : Length - 1 - i))
        .Select (pos => GetCell (pos.Item1, pos.Item2));

public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<bool?>> GetRows ()
    return GetIndices ()
        .Select (GetRow);

public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<bool?>> GetColumns ()
    return GetIndices ()
        .Select (GetColumn);

public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<bool?>> GetDiagonals ()
    return new [] { true, false }
        .Select (GetDiagonal);

public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<bool?>> GetVectors ()
    return GetDiagonals ()
        .Concat (GetRows ())
        .Concat (GetColumns ());


static bool? FindWinner (IEnumerable<bool?> vector)
    try {
        return vector
            .Distinct ()
            .Single ();
    } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
        return null;

static bool? FindWinner (IEnumerable<IEnumerable<bool?>> vectors)
    return vectors
        .Select (FindWinner)
        .FirstOrDefault (winner => winner.HasValue);

public bool? FindWinner ()
    return FindWinner (GetVectors ());

现在我们可以调用 GetWinner 来查看是否有人已经赢了。

public bool MakeMove (int row, int column, bool move)
    if (_winner.HasValue)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("The game is already won.");

    if (_data [row][column].HasValue)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("This cell is already taken.");

    _data [row][column] = move;
    _winner = FindWinner ();

    return move == _winner;

public bool? Winner {
    get { return _winner; }

这一切都在 TicTacToe 类中。
您的 GUI 应该创建它并调用它的方法。


private TicTacToe _game = new TicTacToe ();
private Button [][] _buttons = new Button [][3];

const bool HumanPlayer = true;
const bool AIPlayer = false;

public void HandleButtonClick (object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Assuming you put a Tuple with row and column in button's Tag property
    var position = (Tuple<int, int>) ((Button) sender).Tag;
    var row = position.Item1;
    var column = position.Item2;

    // Sanity check
    Debug.Asset (sender == _buttons [row][column]);

    bool won = _game.MakeMove (row, column, HumanPlayer);

    if (won) {
        MessageBox.Show ("You won.");

    RefreshButtons ();

void RefreshButtons ()
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            var btn = _buttons [i][j];
            var cell = _game.GetCell (i, j);

            btn.Enabled = !cell.HasValue;
            btn.Text = cell.HasValue
                ? (cell.Value ? "X" : "O")
                : string.Empty;

您的 AI 还应该调用 MakeMove 并根据调用 GetRowGetColumnGetDiagonal 的信息进行计算>.

我没有检查代码,它只是一个草图。 (但是 console project 应该运行得很好。)

关于c# - 在按钮集合中创建、使用和比较元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16550022/


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