c# - 在 C# 中解析具有自定义格式的文本文件

标签 c# .net parsing


App Name    
Export Layout

Produced at 24/07/2011 09:53:21

Field Name                             Length                                                       

NAME                                   100                                                           
FULLNAME1                              150                                                           
ADDR1                                  80                                                           
ADDR2                                  80          



我知道如何使用 ReadLine() 跳过行。我不知道怎么说:“当你到达以‘Field Name’开头的行时,再跳过一行,然后从下一行开始,捕获左栏上的所有单词和右栏上的数字右栏。”

我试过 String.Trim() 但这并没有删除 之间的空格。



您可以使用 SkipWhile(l => !l.TrimStart().StartsWith("Field Name")).Skip(1):

Dictionary<string, string> allFieldLengths = File.ReadLines("path")
    .SkipWhile(l => !l.TrimStart().StartsWith("Field Name")) // skips lines that don't start with "Field Name"
    .Skip(1)                                       // go to next line
    .SkipWhile(l => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l))  // skip following empty line(s)
    .Select(l =>                                   
    {                                              // anonymous method to use "real code"
        var line = l.Trim();                       // remove spaces or tabs from start and end of line
        string[] token = line.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        return new { line, token };                // return anonymous type from 
    .Where(x => x.token.Length == 2)               // ignore all lines with more than two fields (invalid data)
    .Select(x => new { FieldName = x.token[0], Length = x.token[1] })
    .GroupBy(x => x.FieldName)                     // groups lines by FieldName, every group contains it's Key + all anonymous types which belong to this group
    .ToDictionary(xg => xg.Key, xg => string.Join(",", xg.Select(x => x.Length)));

line.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) 将按空格和制表符拆分并忽略所有空格。使用 GroupBy 确保所有键在字典中都是唯一的。在重复字段名的情况下,Length 将用逗号连接。

编辑:由于您请求的是非 LINQ 版本,这里是:

Dictionary<string, string> allFieldLengths = new Dictionary<string, string>();
bool headerFound = false;
bool dataFound = false;
foreach (string l in File.ReadLines("path"))
    string line = l.Trim();
    if (!headerFound && line.StartsWith("Field Name"))
        headerFound = true;
        // skip this line:
    if (!headerFound)
    if (!dataFound && line.Length > 0)
        dataFound = true;
    if (!dataFound)
    string[] token = line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    if (token.Length != 2)
    string fieldName = token[0];
    string length = token[1];
    string lengthInDict;
    if (allFieldLengths.TryGetValue(fieldName, out lengthInDict))
        // append this length
        allFieldLengths[fieldName] = lengthInDict + "," + length;
        allFieldLengths.Add(fieldName, length);

我更喜欢 LINQ 版本,因为它更具可读性和可维护性 (imo)。

关于c# - 在 C# 中解析具有自定义格式的文本文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24928425/


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