c# - 将查询从 linq 复制到 Datatable 时出错

标签 c# linq ienumerable

我刚开始做一个需要 Linq to Sql 的项目,并且我已经能够进行查询和检索数据。但是现在我需要填写 DataTable使用我正在检索的数据。


MyDatabase db = new MyDatabase();
var query = from cust in db.Customers
            where cust.CustomerName != "Dante"
            orderby cust.CustomerName
            select new { Name = cust.CustomerName }; 

因此,因为我需要将查询内容复制到 Datatable我试过 this :

 IEnumerable<DataRow> query =
    from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
    where order.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate") > new DateTime(2001, 8, 1)
    select order;

// Create a table from the query.
DataTable boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();


IEnumerable<DataRow> myQuery = from cust in db.Customers.AsEnumerable()
                    where cust.Name != "Dante"
                    orderby cust.Name
                    select new { Name = cust.Name };

DataTable myDataTable = myQuery.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();


Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Data.DataRow>

错误出现在 select词。




有一种方法可以创建 DataTable来自 IEnumerable<DataRow> 以外的结果, 但它相当复杂。 Implement CopyToDataTable Where the Generic Type T Is Not a DataRow .


MyDatabase db = new MyDatabase();
var query = from cust in db.Customers
            where cust.CustomerName != "Dante"
            orderby cust.CustomerName
            select new { Name = cust.CustomerName };

然后定义你的单一字段DataTable因为当你最终创建一个 DataRow ,它需要一个模式来工作:

DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
    new DataColumn()
        DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"),
        ColumnName = "Name"

最后,查看查询结果并手动添加 DataRows给你的DataTable .

foreach (var element in query)
    var row = myDataTable.NewRow();
    row["Name"] = element.Name;

关于c# - 将查询从 linq 复制到 Datatable 时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12289626/


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