c# - 格式化字符串的输出

标签 c# asp.net string visual-studio-2010

我是 C# 新手。我正在大学的一个模块中学习它。我们接到了一项任务,要求我们使用 Visual Studio 工具箱中包含的各种组件创建一个简单的预订应用程序。

UI 有一个 ListBox,它使用户能够选择将参加事件的多个人的名字。当用户确认选择时,所选项目连接到 String 并在 Label 中输出。

这是我从 ListBox

 protected void btnRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Update the summary label with the details of the booking.
    n = name.Text;
    en = eventName.Text;
    r = room.SelectedItem.ToString();
    d = cal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString();

    foreach (ListItem li in attendees.Items)
        if (li.Selected)
            people += li.Text + " ";

    confirmation.Text = r + " has been booked on " + d + " by " + n + " for " + en + ". " + people + " will be attending.";


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    public TextBox name;
    public TextBox eventName;
    public Label confirmation;
    public DropDownList room;
    public Calendar cal;
    public Button btn;
    public ListBox attendees;

    //Booking variables - store all information relating to booking in these variables
    public String n; //name of person placing booking
    public String en; //name of event
    public String r; //room it will take place
    public List<String> att; //list of people attending
    public String d; //date it will be held on

    public String people;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Get references to components
        name = txtName;
        eventName = txtEvent;
        room = droplistRooms;
        attendees = attendeelist;
        cal = Calendar1;
        btn = btnRequest;
        confirmation = lblSummary;

    protected void btnRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Update the summary label with the details of the booking.
        n = name.Text;
        en = eventName.Text;
        r = room.SelectedItem.ToString();
        d = cal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString();

        foreach (ListItem li in attendees.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                people += li.Text + " ";

        confirmation.Text = r + " has been booked on " + d + " by " + n + " for " + en + ". " + people + " will be attending.";

    protected void Calendar1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        d = cal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString();


Jason Manford 已于 2013 年 8 月 10 日为 Comedy Gig 预订了房间 2。 Jack Coldrick Bill Gates Larry Page Jimmy Wales 将出席。

但是我想在参加事件的人的姓氏上加上一个和。我将如何去做这件事。我必须使用 List 吗?




int counter = 1; // start at 1 so that the counter is in line with the number of items that the loop has iterated over (instead of 0 which would be better for indexing into the collection)

List<ListItem> selectedItems = new List<ListItem>();

foreach (ListItem li in attendees.Items)
    if (li.Selected)

foreach (ListItem li in selectedItems)

    if (selectedItems.Count > 1 && i == selectedItems.Count) // check after the counter has been incremented so that only the last item triggers it
        people += " and";

    people += li.Text + " ";

正如一些人所指出的,您还应该考虑使用 StringBuilder,因为字符串在 .Net 中是不可变的,这意味着它们不能被修改。每次将文本附加到字符串时,都会在幕后创建一个包含新内容的新字符串,并丢弃旧字符串。可以想象,如果列表中有很多名字,这最终可能会影响性能。示例如下:

List<ListItem> selectedItems = new List<ListItem>();

foreach (ListItem li in attendees.Items)
    if (li.Selected)

StringBuilder sbPeople = new StringBuilder();
int counter = 1; // start at 1 so that the counter is in line with the number of items that the loop has iterated over (instead of 0 which would be better for indexing into the collection)

foreach (ListItem li in attendees.SelectedItems)

    if (selectedItems.Count > 1 && i == selectedItems.Count) // check after the counter has been incremented so that only the last item triggers it
        sbPeople.Append(" and");

    sbPeople.Append(" ");

引用 StringBuilder 文档:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.stringbuilder.aspx

关于c# - 格式化字符串的输出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19139107/


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