c# - 委托(delegate)还是反射(reflection)?

标签 c# reflection delegates



class Main
     public Main()
         strClass str = new strClass(this);

     public function handler ( )
         console.log("No string is passed yet, but this method is called from receiveData()");

class strClass
    object handler;
    public strClass ( handler )
        // save the object
        this.handler = handler;

    public receiveData ( string str )
        // This method does some stuff with the string
        // And it then passes it on to the supplied object (handler) which will do
        // the rest of the processing

        // I'm calling the "handler" method in the object which got passed in the 
        // constructor
        Type thisType = this.handler.GetType();
        MethodInfo theMethod = thisType.GetMethod("handler");
        theMethod.Invoke(this.handler, null);




 interface IStringHandler {
     void HandleString(string s);

 class strClass 
      IStringHandler handler = null;

      public strClass(IStringHandler handler)
          this.handler = handler;

      public void ReceiveData(string s)

 class Main : IStringHandler
      // Your code

关于c# - 委托(delegate)还是反射(reflection)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8163908/


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