c# - linq 中的数据透视表

标签 c# linq pivot pivot-without-aggregate


Date      |Location |Amount
11.03.2011|Location1|  1000  
11.03.2011|Location2|  1000  
11.03.2011|Location3|  1000  
12.03.2011|Location1|  1000    
12.03.2011|Location2|  1000    
12.03.2011|Location3|  1000  
13.03.2011|Location4|  1000 


Location | 11.03.2011|12.03.2011|13.03.2011|    
Location1|       1000|      1000|         0|  
Location2|       1000|      1000|         0|  
Location3|       1000|      1000|         0|  
Location4|          0|         0|      1000|  

请注意:我不知道行中的日期,所以我无法使用“if”子句(例如:if date == DateTime.Parse(11.03.2011) ).




var Locations = Data.GroupBy(l => l.Location);
                .SelectMany( g => 
                                 LocationName = g.Key, 
                                 Amounts = g 

Func<Location, bool> matchMonth11 = l => l.Date == "11.03.2011";
Func<Location, bool> matchMonth12 = l => l.Date == "12.03.2011";
Func<Location, bool> matchMonth13 = l => l.Date == "13.03.2011";

var PivotedLocations = new List<PivotedLocation>();

foreach(var item in Locations )
    PivotedLocations.Add( new PivotedLocation
                              LocationName  = item.LocationName,
                              month11Amount = item.Amounts.Where(matchMonth11)
                              month12Amount = item.Amounts.Where(matchMonth12)
                              month13Amount = item.Amounts.Where(matchMonth13)



public class PivotedLocation
    public string LocationName { get; set; }
    public int month11Amount { get; set; }
    public int month12Amount { get; set; }
    public int month13Amount { get; set; }

然后 PivotedLocations 列表应该包含您想要的旋转形式的数据。

关于c# - linq 中的数据透视表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6098555/


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