c# - 如何创建自定义互斥体

标签 c# mutex





public static class MyMutex {

    static Queue<Thread> queue = new Queue<Thread>();

    static int locked_state = 0 ;
    static int inner_proc = 0;

    public static void WaitOne()
        // spin loop untill inner proccess are complete 
        while (Interlocked.Equals(inner_proc ,1))

        Interlocked.Exchange(ref inner_proc, 1);
        // if in a locked state queue current thread and set to inifinite sleep 
        if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref locked_state, 1) == 1)

        Interlocked.Exchange(ref inner_proc, 0);
    public static void ReleaseMutex()
        // spin loop untill inner proccess are complete 
        while (Interlocked.Equals(inner_proc ,1))
        // lock inner process (change to queue)            
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref inner_proc, 1);

        if( queue.Count > 0 )
            Thread t = queue.Dequeue();
        if (queue.Count == 0)
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref locked_state, 0);
        // end lock inner process ( change to queue )            
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref inner_proc, 0);


如果互斥量处于锁定状态,则线程将排队,然后线程进入无限时间跨度的 sleep 模式。 检查和分配是自动进行的,以便第一个进入的线程将“锁定” 在任何其他人获得机会之前的状态(带有 1 标志)。

问题是当一个线程出队时,另一个线程可能会在 locked_state 被标记为 0 之前进入并调用 waitOne() ; 出于这个原因,我有一个内部自旋循环,它阻止 2 个线程同时改变队列。

*另一个问题是我怎样才能让线程休眠并唤醒它,就像我尝试的那样 在这里做(但我不能像我那样使用 thread.Start() 它会抛出异常) 并且线程挂起和恢复已被弃用。

所以一般来说(我真的不知道如何实现互斥量) 任何有关如何实现此目的的提示、想法或有用的链接都将不胜感激。



// In the thread to be suspended:
// This will return false if the thread needs to end immediately.
// This will return true if normal operation should continue.
private bool SuspendCurrentThread()
        for (;;)
    catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
        // Resume normal operation.
        return true;
    catch (ThreadAbortException)
        return false;

// ...
// ... 
// ...

// In the thread that is to trigger the resume:
private Thread OtherThread = /* something */;

private void ResumeOtherThread()

private void KillOtherThread()
    OtherThread.Abort(); // Fire a ThreadAbortException in the other thread if it is in a waiting state.
    OtherThread.Join(); // Wait until the other thread has exited before continuing.

关于c# - 如何创建自定义互斥体,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9138277/


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