c# - 尝试执行 Microsoft Band 示例代码时出错

标签 c# bluetooth windows-8.1 microsoft-band

尝试执行任何 Microsoft Band 示例项目时,我总是在尝试连接到 Band 时遇到以下错误:

IBandClient bandClient = await BandClientManager.Instance.ConnectAsync(pairedBands[0])


An error occurred while attempting to aquire the Bluetooth device service. This error can occur if the paired device is unreachable or has become unpaired from the current host.

顺便说一句,这是在 Windows 桌面上,Windows 抛出控件询问它是否可以访问我的乐队我说允许并且它抛出错误,我已经尝试按照文档中的建议关闭蓝牙电源管理但仍然没有帮助......

也遵循了这里的建议:Microsoft Band SDK on Windows 8,1仍然没有帮助....



是否在 list 中添加了蓝牙功能?

<Capability Name="internetClient" />
<DeviceCapability Name="proximity" />
<DeviceCapability Name="bluetooth.rfcomm">
  <Device Id="any">
    <Function Type="serviceId:A502CA9A-2BA5-413C-A4E0-13804E47B38F" />
    <Function Type="serviceId:C742E1A2-6320-5ABC-9643-D206C677E580" />

关于c# - 尝试执行 Microsoft Band 示例代码时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30336917/


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