c# - 从反射方法 C# 中获取值

标签 c# reflection




namespace test
    class main
        public static int Main(string [] args)
            //This gives my the type of class I want since it is private. (this does work)
            Type classTypeIWant = typeof(otherNamespace.someClassInThatNameSpace).Assembly.GetTypes()
                            .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == "ClassIWant");

            //This creates an instance of the class I want using the default constructor
            object classInstanceIWant = Activator.CreateInstance(classTypeIWant);

            //Invoke the method
            int resultINeed = classTypeIWant.GetMethod("MethodIWant")
                    .Invoke(classInstanceIWant, null));

namespace otherNamespace
    public class someClassInThatNameSpace{}

    private class classIWant
        public classIWant
            //stuff happens

        public void BadMethod(int ruinLife)
            //do stuff
            //ruin value I want
            return ruinedValue;

        public int MethodIWant()
            //this is the value I want to grab
            int valueIWant = 10;

            //but this method faults because of things I cannot change (I really cannot change this)
            int valueIDontWont = BadMethod(valueIWant);

            //it will not make it here because of BadMethod
            return valueIDontWant;

拦截对 BadMethod 的调用会给出我正在寻找的值,但我不知道是否可以这样做。


带有 BadMethod(int ruinLife) 的类是最终类吗?并且您可以修改 BadMethod 函数的签名以使其成为虚拟的吗?如果是这样,您可以使用不执行任何操作的虚拟方法来覆盖该方法。所以:

public class newClass : classIWant
    public newClass() : base()

    public override void BadMethod(int ruinLife)
        // Do Nothing

然后只需实例化您的类而不是其他类。请注意,这仅在您可以将 BadMethod 设为虚拟或者它已经是虚拟的情况下才有效。否则,此技术将不起作用,因为使用"new"而不是“覆盖”将不起作用。

关于c# - 从反射方法 C# 中获取值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31061931/


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