c# - Linq to entities 无法处理 string.split() 函数

标签 c# linq-to-entities



public IEnumerable<Query> GetAllQueries_FilteredOnCurrentUsersInvolvement(User user)
    var queries = _genericUnitOfWork.GenericRepository<Query>().Get(q =>
        q.AuthorUserID == user.ID ||
        q.ConsultantUserID == user.ID ||
        q.CreatorUserID == user.ID ||
        q.EngagementPartnerUserID == user.ID ||
        q.EQCRPUserID == user.ID ||
        q.LeadPartnerUserID == user.ID ||
        q.RMPUserID == user.ID ||
        (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.OthersInvolvedUserIDs) && q.OthersInvolvedUserIDs.Split(',').Contains(user.ID.ToString())),
        includeProperties: "NatureOfQuery");
    return queries;


{"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String[] Split(Char[])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."}

我可以自己编写 T-SQL 代码。如何让 LINQ to Entities 理解如何处理这个?

P.S> 会 this nuget package能解决这个问题吗?



拆分操作与查询一起发送,因此需要转换为 SQL 函数。这没有实现,因此不起作用。您需要检索数据并在内存中执行拆分。

关于c# - Linq to entities 无法处理 string.split() 函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42435817/


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