c# - 谷歌 Firebase 和 Unity (C#) : Unable to download png from bucket

标签 c# firebase unity3d firebase-realtime-database download


Unity editor version:       2018.2.8f1
Firebase Unity SDK version: 5.5.0
Additional SDKs:            SimpleFirebaseUnity
Developing on:              Mac
Export Platform:            Android


我在设置系统以从存储中下载图片时遇到问题。我不是数据库专家,但我想尝试一下,只是为了了解它是如何完成的。 我发现 Firebase 对于在实时数据库上存储元数据非常有用,而且即使对于像我这样的入门级程序员来说也很容易上手。

问题是我正在尝试从存储中的文件夹下载 .png 文件,但我无法确定该文件是否已实际下载,或者它是否只是丢失了过程。我在控制台中没有收到任何错误,但是当我打开文件所在的文件夹时,它是空的。


private SimpleFirebaseUnity.Firebase firebaseDatabase;
private FirebaseQueue firebaseQueue;
private FirebaseStorage firebaseStorage;
private StorageReference m_storage_ref;

// Setup refernece to database and storage
void SetupReferences()
    // Get a reference to the database service, using SimpleFirebase plugin
    firebaseDatabase = SimpleFirebaseUnity.Firebase.CreateNew(FIREBASE_LINK, FIREBASE_SECRET);

    // Get a reference to the storage service, using the default Firebase App
    firebaseStorage = FirebaseStorage.DefaultInstance;

    // Create a storage reference from our storage service
    m_storage_ref = firebaseStorage.GetReferenceFromUrl(STORAGE_LINK);

    // Create a queue, using SimpleFirebase
    firebaseQueue = new FirebaseQueue(true, 3, 1f);

// ...

IEnumerator DownloadImage(string address, string fileName)
    var local_path = Application.persistentDataPath + THUMBNAILS_PATH;
    var content_ref = m_storage_ref.Child(THUMBNAILS_PATH + fileName + ".png");

    content_ref.GetFileAsync(local_path).ContinueWith(task => {
        if (!task.IsFaulted && !task.IsCanceled)
            Debug.Log("File downloaded.");

    yield return null;



  • 安全规则设置不当
  • 文件路径不正确
  • 您在错误的平台上进行测试(Firebase 在编辑器中运行不佳)
  • 您的设备正在阻止连接
  • 等...


IEnumerator DownloadImage(string address, string fileName)
    var local_path = Application.persistentDataPath + THUMBNAILS_PATH;
    var content_ref = m_storage_ref.Child(THUMBNAILS_PATH + fileName + ".png");

    content_ref.GetFileAsync(local_path).ContinueWith(task => {
        if (!task.IsFaulted && !task.IsCanceled)
            Debug.Log("File downloaded.");

    yield return null;


关于c# - 谷歌 Firebase 和 Unity (C#) : Unable to download png from bucket,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55283247/


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