c# - SQLite 从数据表中插入

标签 c# sqlite

使用下面的代码,我得到了查询的@table 部分的异常。可以用数据表这样插入到SQLite中吗?

 DataTable table = new DataTable();
 table.Columns.Add("Path", typeof(string));
 table.Columns.Add("StopName", typeof(string));
 table.Columns.Add("Latitude", typeof(string));
 table.Columns.Add("Longitude", typeof(string));

 foreach (Result result in tempResults)
      table.Rows.Add(result.Path, result.StopName, result.Latitude, result.Longitude);

 SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ZZ_DBA_Stop (Path, StopName, Latitude, Longitude) SELECT Path, StopName, Latitude, Longitude FROM @table", connection) { CommandTimeout = 3600, CommandType = CommandType.Text };
 command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@table", table);
 await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


您不能将 DataTable 作为参数传递。 我认为你想使用 DataTable 作为参数的主要原因是你想在 sqlite 中批量插入。这是一个例子

using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
    command.CommandText =
        "INSERT INTO contact(name, email) " +
        "VALUES($name, $email);";

    var nameParameter = command.CreateParameter();
    nameParameter.ParameterName = "$name";

    var emailParameter = command.CreateParameter();
    emailParameter.ParameterName = "$email";

    foreach (var contact in contacts)
        nameParameter.Value = contact.Name ?? DBNull.Value;
        emailParameter.Value = contact.Email ?? DBNull.Value;


Reference: Bulk Insert in Microsoft.Data.Sqlite

关于c# - SQLite 从数据表中插入,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55696547/


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