c# - 如何抑制在 C# 中打开 word 文档时显示的 VIsual Basic "Macros are Disabled"对话框

标签 c# .net ms-word automation ms-office


我正在通过 c#/COM Interop (Word 2007) 打开一个 word 文档。我想阻止宏运行,因为其中一些可能会崩溃(旧文件缺少书签等)。


Word.ApplicationClass wordApplication = new Word.ApplicationClass();

wordApplication.DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone;

wordApplication.ShowVisualBasicEditor = false;

wordApplication.AutomationSecurity = 

Word.Document wordDoc = null;


 wordDoc = wordApplication.Documents.Open(
                ref paramSourceDocPath, ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing,
                ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing,
                ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing,
                ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing,
                ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing, ref paramMissing,
                ref paramMissing);

我需要抑制此消息,检测它是否正在显示并“确定”它,或者找到一种禁用启动宏的方法,而无需 VB 妨碍。



我从来没能在 C# 中使用它,但在 VB.NET 中就没问题了。方法如下:How to open document that contains AutoOpen macro with PowerShell?

关于c# - 如何抑制在 C# 中打开 word 文档时显示的 VIsual Basic "Macros are Disabled"对话框,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3778855/


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