c# - 如何使用派生类的值填充文本框? C#

标签 c#


if (productNo == this.product1.ProductNumber)  //ProductNumber comes from Product class
                    //if so, set the other values of the text boxes to that of the 
                    //product in memory
                    tbDescription.Text = product1.ProductDescription; //Works - from Product class
                    tbOnHand.Text = product1.NumberOnHand.ToString(); //Works - from Product class
                    tbUnitOfMeasure.Text = product1.UnitOfMeasure;    //Works - from Product class

                    tbVendorID.Text = product1.VendorID; // Doesn't work - from derived ManufacturedProduct class 

其中 VendorID 来自 ManufacturedProduct 类,它是来自 Product 的派生类。最后一行代码不起作用。我希望能够用 product1.VendorID 中的值填充 tbVendorID(顺便说一句,它是一个 int)

我收到以下错误...Objects.Product' 不包含 'VendorID' 的定义,并且找不到接受类型为 'Objects.Product' 的第一个参数的扩展方法 'VendorID'(您是否缺少使用指令或程序集引用?)


如果您想访问子类的属性,您需要将其转换为 ManufacturedProduct:

ManufacturedProduct mfgProduct = (ManufacturedProduct) product1;
if (productNo == mfgProduct.ProductNumber)  
    tbDescription.Text = mfgProduct.ProductDescription;  
    tbOnHand.Text = mfgProduct.NumberOnHand.ToString();  
    tbUnitOfMeasure.Text = mfgProduct.UnitOfMeasure;    
    tbVendorID.Text = mfgProduct.VendorID;  

关于c# - 如何使用派生类的值填充文本框? C#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13469293/


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