c# - 在 C# 中从 Visual Dataflex 6 读取数据

标签 c# dataflex

我正在寻找一种从 .NET C# 程序中读取 DataFlex 6.2 数据文件的方法。我需要对没有特殊功能的表数据进行顺序只读访问,基本上只是解码几个包含数据的 .dat 文件并从中制作一个 DataTable

我知道有像 FlexODBC 这样的商业产品,但在我看来,对于这样一个相对简单的任务来说,这似乎有些过分了。也许有人知道免费的替代品或数据文件结构文档,这样我就不需要自己用十六进制编辑器来计算了?


我最近找到了this link .用几张表检查了它,它不是 100% 好,但它是一个非常好的 quidance:


By Peter M. Grillo

Following  is  the  structure of the  DataFlex  .DAT  file for 2.3. Data
Access  Corporation  has  deemed  the  structure  of  the  .DAT  file as
proprietary.  The  following definition of a  2.3  .DAT file was derived
independently  by  myself and any problem  arising  from the use of this
information will be your problem. Please do not call DAC and snivel. Use
at own risk. Please do not upload this to DAC's BBS.

DAC  has indicated to me that I can release this information providing I
include the prior disclaimer.

All  that  aside, this is everything I  know about a DataFlex .DAT file.
The overall layout of a 2.3 .DAT file is header, null record and data.

The  header  contains information about  the file definition. Just about
everything  you  define in DFFILE can be  found in the header except for
tag  names. It is possible to read the header of a 2.3 .DAT file and the
corresponding .TAG file to produce a perfect .DEF file.

The following show offsets into the header:
(LSB = Least significant byte)
(MSBT = Most significant bit)


01 - 04         00 - 03  HIGHEST RECORD COUNT EVER (LSB FIRST)

09 - 12         08 - 0B  RECORD COUNT (LSB FIRST)

79 - 80         4E - 4F  RECORD LENGTH (LSB FIRST)

89              58       DELETED SPACE (1=REUSED, 0=NOT REUSED)
90              59       NUMBER OF FIELDS

93              5C       MULTIUSER REREAD (1=ACTIVE, 0=INACTIVE)

101             64       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 1 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
102-108         65 - 6B  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 1
109             6C       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 2 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
110-116         6D - 73  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 2
117             74       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 3 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
118-124         75 - 7B  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 3
125             7C       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 4 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
126-132         7D - 83  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 4
133             84       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 5 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
134-140         85 - 8B  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 5
141             8C       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 6 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
142-148         8D - 93  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 6
149             94       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 7 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
150-156         95 - 9B  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 7
157             9C       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 8 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
158-162         9D - A3  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 8
163             A4       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 9 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
164-170         A5 - AB  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 9
171             AC       NUMBER OF FIELDS IN INDEX 10 (MSBT SET 1 IF BATCH)
172-108         AD - B3  FIELD SEGMENTS OF INDEX 10



197-198         C4 - C5  FIELD OFFSET (LSB FIRST)
199             C6       MSBT=MAIN INDEX, LSBT=(DECIMAL POINTS/2)
200             C7       FIELD LENGTH
201             C8       FIELD TYPE 00=ASCII, 01=NUMERIC, 02=DATE, 03=OVERLAP
202             C9       RELATES TO FILE NUMBER
...-...         .. - ..  (REPEAT FOR EACH FIELD)

The  null  record  follows the header  and  usually  contains 00h's. The
number  of bytes in the null record  corresponds to the record length of
the file. The null record is record number zero.

The  data that follows are records in order of record number. The number
of  bytes  in each record corresponds  to the record length. Records are
grouped  together  by  blocks  of 512  bytes.  Not  every record length,
however, divides evenly into 512 so you get the occurrence of fill bytes
or  0FFh's  to round out a group  of  records to 512 bytes. Consider the

Record Length                   Layout
128                             Divides into 512 evenly so no fill
                                bytes are used

170                             Divided by 512 is 3 with a remainder
                                of 2 so after every 3 records
                                (starting at record 0) the are 2 fill
                                bytes (0FFh's)

Here is a table of common record lengths:

Record Length   Records in 512 Group    Number of Fill Bytes

256                     2                       0
170                     3                       2
128                     4                       0
102                     5                       2
85                      6                       2
73                      7                       1
64                      8                       0
56                      9                       8
51                      10                      2
46                      11                      6
42                      12                      8
39                      13                      5
36                      14                      8
34                      15                      2
32                      16                      0
30                      17                      2
28                      18                      8
26                      19                      18
25                      20                      12
24                      21                      8
23                      22                      6
22                      23                      6
21                      24                      8
20                      25                      12
19                      26                      18
18                      28                      8
17                      30                      2
16                      32                      0
15                      34                      2
14                      36                      8
13                      39                      5
12                      42                      8
11                      46                      6
10                      51                      2
9                       56                      8
8                       64                      0

> [fold]  [
> [fold]  [
Deleted records are filled with 00h's until reused.

DataFlex  .DAT  files can be opened  from .FLX files using DIRECT_INPUT.
You can then use READ_BLOCK commands to read information.

Reading  the  FILELIST.CFG  file  is  also  much  more  efficient  using
DIRECT_INPUT  and  READ_BLOCK.  The first 128  bytes  are  fill and each
successive  block of 128 bytes is a file in the list. In other words, if
you  want  file 15 then  DIRECT_INPUT  'FILELIST.CFG' and READ_BLOCK off
(15*128)  bytes.  This  would point you to  the  block for file 15. From
there  you  can read off bytes to  find  the Root Name, Description, and
DataFlex Name using the following layout.

> [fold]  ]
> [fold]  ]

01 - 41         00 - 28  FILE ROOT NAME (NULL TERMINATED)
42 - 74         29 - 49  FILE DESCRIPTION (NULL TERMINATED)

> [fold]  2

在我正在解码的文件中(表版本 3.0。)没有记录长度,字段列表从偏移量 2E0 开始,记录之间的间隙似乎被 20 而不是 00。此外,记录未对齐到 512,但记录大小增加了 128。 零记录从 C00 开始。对齐的记录大小可以像 (FileSize - C00)/RecordCount 一样计算。但正确的方法是从0x9A位置读取它作为uint。 在 A5 中有一个字段计数。


日期以 BCD 格式使用 3 个字节存储在嵌入式数据库中。它是一个 BCD 数字,表示从最小日期开始的天数。 700000 代表 1642-09-17,所以这个数字可以作为我的基础。

数字:数字 510000001 存储为 15 10 00 00 01,在十六进制编辑器中可读性很好。

下面是将 DAT 文件解析为 DataTable C# 的代码片段:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;

namespace DataFlex
    /// <summary>
    /// Classes for parsing DataFlex DAT files version 3.0
    /// </summary>
    public enum DFFieldType
        ASCII = 0,
        Numeric = 1,
        Date = 2,
        Overlap = 3,
        Unknown = 4

    public class DFField
        public DFFieldType Type;
        public Type DataType;
        public int Position;
        public byte Length;
        public decimal Precision;
        public string Name;
        private Byte[] _input;

        public DFField(byte[] input, string name)
            _input = input;
            Name = name;

            UInt16 helper = BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0);
            Position = helper;
            helper = (ushort)((input[2]  & 0x0F) * 2);
            if (helper > 0)
                Precision = (decimal)Math.Pow(10, helper);
                Precision = 0;
            Length = input[3];
            switch (input[4])
                case 0: Type = DFFieldType.ASCII; DataType = typeof(string); break;
                case 1: Type = DFFieldType.Numeric; DataType = typeof(decimal); break;
                case 2: Type = DFFieldType.Date; DataType = typeof(DateTime); break;
                case 3: Type = DFFieldType.Overlap; DataType = typeof(object);  break;
                default: Type = DFFieldType.Unknown; break;

    public class DFRow
        public object[] _values;
        public DFTable _DFTable;
        public object[] Values { get { return _values; } }

        public DFRow(byte[] input, DFTable dFTable)
            _DFTable = dFTable;
            _values = new object[dFTable.Fields.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < dFTable.Fields.Length; i++)
                var f = dFTable.Fields[i];
                object o;
                switch (f.Type)
                    case DFFieldType.Date: o = BCDToDate(input, f.Position - 1, f.Length); break;
                    case DFFieldType.Numeric: o = BCDToDecimal(input, f.Precision, f.Position - 1, f.Length, true); break;
                    default:  o = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ibm852").GetString(input, f.Position - 1, f.Length).TrimEnd();  break;
                _values[i] = o;

        private decimal BCDToDecimal(byte[] input, decimal precision, int start, int length, bool signed)
            decimal result = 0;
            uint i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (i > 0 || !signed)
                    result *= 100;
                    result += (decimal)(10 * (input[start + i] >> 4));
                    result *= 10;
                result += (decimal)(input[start + i] & 0xf);

            if (precision > 0)
                result =  (result / precision);

            return (result);

        private DateTime? BCDToDate(byte[] input, int start, int length)
            DateTime baseDate = new DateTime(1642, 09, 14);
            decimal baseNumber = 700000;
            decimal dn = BCDToDecimal(input, 0, start, length, false);
            dn = dn - baseNumber;

            DateTime? result = null;
            if (dn > 0)
                result = baseDate.AddDays((double)dn);
            return result;

    public class DFTable
        private long _beginning = 0xC00;
        private UInt32 _RecordCount;
        private DFField[] _Fields;
        private List<DFRow> _Rows;
        private UInt16 _RecordLength = 0;
        private byte _FieldCount = 0;
        private string[] _tags = null;

        public DFField[] Fields
            get { return _Fields; }
        public List<DFRow> Rows
            get { return _Rows; }

        public DFRow LastRecord
            get { return  Rows[Rows.Count-1]; } 

    public DFTable(Stream datStream, bool readLastRecordOnly, string tagFile, string tableName)
        if (File.Exists(tagFile))
            _tags = File.ReadLines(tagFile).ToArray();

        //Parsing header
        byte[] input = new byte[4];
        datStream.Read(input, 0, 4);
        _RecordCount = BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0);
        datStream.Seek(0x9A, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        datStream.Read(input, 0, 2);
        _RecordLength= BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0);

        datStream.Seek(0xA5, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        datStream.Read(input, 0, 1);
        _FieldCount = input[0];
        datStream.Seek(0x2E0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        _Fields = new DFField[_FieldCount];
        //Parsing structure
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < _FieldCount; i++)
            input = new byte[8];
            datStream.Read(input, 0, 8);
            string name = _tags == null || _tags.Length<=i ? "F" + i.ToString() : _tags[i];
            _Fields[i] = (new DFField(input, name));

        _beginning = 0xC00 + _RecordLength;  //Allways starts at C00
        _Rows = new List<DFRow>();
        input = new byte[_RecordLength];

        if (readLastRecordOnly)
            for (int idx = 1; idx < _RecordCount; idx++)
                datStream.Seek(_beginning + (_RecordCount - idx) * _RecordLength, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Set the last record
                datStream.Read(input, 0, _RecordLength);
                if (input.Any(x => x != 0))  //Not deleted - not all zeroes
                    _Rows.Add(new DFRow(input, this));
            datStream.Seek(_beginning, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Go to beginning
            for (int row = 0; row < _RecordCount; row ++)
                datStream.Read(input, 0, _RecordLength);
                if (input.Any(x=>x!=0))  //Not deleted
                    _Rows.Add(new DFRow(input, this));

        /// <summary>
        /// Převede na DataTable 
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable ToDataTable()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            DataColumn dc;
            for (int i=0; i< this.Fields.Length; i++)
                var f = this.Fields[i];
                dc = new DataColumn(f.Name, f.DataType ); 

            //Záznamy od prvního
            foreach (var r in this.Rows)
                DtaRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                int j = 0;
                foreach (object v in r.Values)
                    dr[j] = v ?? DBNull.Value;
            return dt;

        /// <summary>
        /// https://stackoverflow.com/a/4959869/2224701
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="csvFileName"></param>
        public void SaveAsCSV(string csvFileName, bool header)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (header)
                IEnumerable<string> columnNames = this.Fields.
                                                  Select(column => column.Name);
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(",", columnNames));
            foreach (DFRow row in this.Rows)
                IEnumerable<string> fields = row.Values.Select(field =>
                  string.Concat("\"", field!=null ?  (field is DateTime ? ((DateTime)field).ToShortDateString() :  field.ToString()).Replace("\"", "\"\"") : "", "\""));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(",", fields));
            File.WriteAllText(csvFileName, sb.ToString());


string fileToRead = @"D:\Table.DAT";
MemoryStream msAla = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(fileToRead));
DFTable dft = new DFTable(msAla, false,  tagFile, tname);
DataTable dt = dft.ToDataTable();

关于c# - 在 C# 中从 Visual Dataflex 6 读取数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26255774/


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