c# - 如何去: Indexing a child for elasticsearch with c# and elasticsearch.网?

标签 c# .net visual-studio elasticsearch nest

我的 elasticsearch 数据库有以下映射:

    "mappings": {
        "customer": {
            "properties": {
                "name": {"type": "string"},
                "lastname": {"type": "string"},
                "age": {"type": "date"},
                "hometown": {"type": "string"},
                "street": {"type": "string"},
                "nr": {"type": "integer"}
        "purchase": {
            "_parent": {"type": "customer"},
            "properties": {
                "time": {"type": "long"},
                "productnr1": {"type": "integer"},
                "productnr2": {"type": "integer"},
                "productnr3": {"type": "integer"},
                "totalcost": {"type": "double"}

现在我想在 visual studio 中使用客户端 (elasticsearch.net) 为我的 child (购买)编制索引。我可以毫无问题地索引和升级我的 parent (客户)。但我没有找到一种方法来索引 child 。


using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Elasticsearch.Net;

namespace programname
    static class program
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>

        static void Main()
            Class_GetData Class_GetData = new Class_GetData();

            //connecting to elasticsearch (**this is working**)
            var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");
            var config = new Elasticsearch.Net.Connection.ConnectionConfiguration(node);
            var client = new ElasticsearchClient(config);

            //some variables
            string username =  Class_GetData.Getname();
            string userlastname = Class_GetData.Getlastname();
            string userhometown = Class_GetData.Gethometown();
            string userstreet = Class_GetData.Getstreet()
            string userage = Class_GetData.Getage()
            int userhomenr = Class_GetData.Getnr();

            int userpruductnr1 = Class_GetData.Getproductnr1();
            int userpruductnr2 = Class_GetData.Getproductnr2();  
            int userpruductnr3 = Class_GetData.Getproductnr3();             
            double usertotalcost = Class_GetData.Gettotalcost();    

            var today = DateTime.Today;             
            var date = today.Year + "-" + today.Month + "-" + today.Day;

            var id = username + "_" + userlastname + "_" + date;

            //check if parent exist (this is also working)
            ElasticsearchResponse<DynamicDictionary> response = client.Get("test", "customer", id);
            dynamic found;
            response.Response.TryGetValue("found", out found);

            if (!found.HasValue)

            if (!found.Value)
                var customer = new
                name = username,
                lastname = userlastname,
                age = userage,
                hometown = userhometown,
                street = userstreet,
                nr = userhomenr,

                client.Index("test", "customer", id, customer);

            //**maybe this is already false?**
            var purchaseproperties = new
                time = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
                productnr1 = userpruductnr1,
                productnr2 = userpruductnr2,
                productnr3 = userpruductnr3,
                totalcost = usertotalcost,

            //**this is the main problem... child wont create**
            client.Index("test/customer/", "purchase", purchaseproperties); 

            //working line:
            client.Index("test", "purchase", purchaseproperties, d => d.Parent(_parentId));

所以现在我希望这段代码是 self 解释的,有人可以帮助我。我真的试图让它成为最简单的方法,并且我尝试了很多其他不起作用的索引行。我也希望有一个解决方案可以在不使用 visual studio 的 nest-client 的情况下将 child 索引到 parent 。


我相信您在索引子文档时缺少父 ID 参数:

client.Index("test", "purchase", purchaseproperties, d => d.Parent(_parentId));

另请注意,我已将 Index(..) 方法中的第一个参数从 test/customer 更改为 test,您必须在此参数中仅指定索引名称,而不指定索引类型。


关于c# - 如何去: Indexing a child for elasticsearch with c# and elasticsearch.网?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33092024/


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