c# - 如何将条码图像插入 PrintDialog?

标签 c#

我有这个程序,我可以在其中打印一些关于托盘(物流)的信息,我需要向其中添加条形码。我环顾四周,发现 http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20823/Barcode-Image-Generation-Library看起来确实很有前途。

我添加了 .dll 引用并添加了以下代码:

using BarcodeLib;

// Create barcode size 100, 100 with the ordernumber in type EAN13
    Barcode b = new Barcode(order.OrderNr);
    b.Encode(TYPE.EAN13, order.OrderNr, 100, 100);


private void PrintLabel(PrintPageEventArgs e, Graphics g)
    marginTop = 8;
    marginLeft = 5;
    int row = marginTop;

    g.DrawString("Order nr: ", headerTitleFont, blackText, marginLeft, row);
    g.DrawString(order.OrderNr, headerTextFont, blackText, marginLeft + 120, row);
    row += 22;

    Barcode b = new Barcode(order.OrderNr);
    b.Encode(TYPE.EAN13, order.OrderNr, 100, 100);
    // Print the label b here on position: marginLeft, row


根据given documentation , Encode 返回 System.Drawing.Image


Barcode b = new Barcode(order.OrderNr);
Image barcodeImage = b.Encode(TYPE.EAN13, order.OrderNr, 100, 100);

g.DrawImage(barcodeImage, marginLeft, row);

关于c# - 如何将条码图像插入 PrintDialog?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33755727/


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