c# - 如何使用 Entity Framework 6 将单个属性映射为多个复合外键的一部分?

标签 c# .net orm entity-framework-6

我正在设置到遗留数据库的 EF Code First 映射。对象模型是一对一的数据库模式(不要试图美化模式)。


  CommonColumn INT NOT NULL, -- NOTE: This column is part of both Compound FK's
  ColumnOne INT NOT NULL,
  ColumnTwo INT NOT NULL,

    REFERENCES Other_One (CommonColumn, ColumnOne),
  CONSTRAINT FK_Two FOREIGN KEY (CommonColumn, ColumnTwo)
    REFERENCES Other_Two (CommonColumn, ColumnTwo)

对于我的类映射,我一直在使用数据注释。没有 AllowMultipleForeignKeyAttributeAttributeUsage,因此一个属性只能有一个 [ForeignKey]应用于它,属性只接受一个名称。

// Can't apply the compound keys this way
public class FKOnProperty
  public int Common {get;set;}

  [ForeignKey(nameof(OtherOne))] // [ForeignKey(nameof(OtherTwo))]
  public int One {get;set;}


  public OtherOne OtherOne {get;set;}

  public OtherTwo OtherTwo {get;set;}

// Or this way
public class FKOnNavigation
  public int Common {get;set;}

  public int One {get;set;}

  public int Two {get;set;}

  [ForeignKey(nameof(One))] // [ForeignKey(nameof(Two))]
  public OtherOne OtherOne {get;set;}


简而言之,我无法使用该属性来指定 CommonColumn 是两个键的一部分,并且由于这两个键都是复合键,所以我无法将其应用于导航属性。



您可以使用带有属性名称的逗号分隔字符串在导航属性上应用 ForeignKey 属性:

public class This_One
    [Key, Column(Order = 1)]
    public int CommonColumn { get; set; }
    [Key, Column(Order = 2)]
    public int ColumnOne { get; set; }
    [Key, Column(Order = 3)]
    public int ColumnTwo { get; set; }

    public Other_One Other_One { get; set; }
    public Other_Two Other_Two { get; set; }

摘自 ForeignKey 构造函数 documentation :

If you add the ForeigKey attribute to a foreign key property, you should specify the name of the associated navigation property. If you add the ForeigKey attribute to a navigation property, you should specify the name of the associated foreign key(s). If a navigation property has multiple foreign keys, use comma to separate the list of foreign key names.

关于c# - 如何使用 Entity Framework 6 将单个属性映射为多个复合外键的一部分?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39903206/


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