c# - 从嵌套类中获取周围类的名称

标签 c# .net-2.0


public abstract class OuterClass // will be extended by children
    protected class InnerClass // will also be extended
        public virtual void InnerMethod()
            string nameOfOuterClassChildType = ?;

这在 C# 中可行吗?

编辑:我应该补充一点,我想使用反射并从扩展自 OuterClass 的子类中获取名称,这就是我在编译时不知 Prop 体类型的原因。



public virtual void InnerMethod()
    Type type = this.GetType();

    // type.FullName = "YourNameSpace.OuterClass+InnerClass"

    string fullName = type.FullName;
    int dotPos = fullName.LastIndexOf('.');
    int plusPos = fullName.IndexOf('+', dotPos);
    string outerName = fullName.Substring(dotPos + 1, plusPos - dotPos - 1);

    // outerName == "OuterClass", which I think is what you want

或者,正如@LasseVKarlsen 所建议的那样,

string outerName = GetType().DeclaringType.Name;


关于c# - 从嵌套类中获取周围类的名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41228855/


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