c# - 如何在 C# (linq) 上创建困难组?

标签 c# linq file grouping

我在文本分析方面遇到了麻烦。 需要计算 .txt 文件中的单词迭代次数 我做到了,但我需要将所有计数放在一起而不分开文件。


var queryMatchingFiles =
            from file in files
            where file.Extension == ".txt"
            let fileText = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)
            let matches = Regex.Matches(fileText, searchTerm)
            select new
                matchedValues = from Match match in matches
                                group match by match.Value into grp
                                select new {
                                    key = grp.Key, value = grp.Count()



var queryMatchingFiles =
            from file in files
            where file.Extension == ".txt"
            let fileText = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)
            from match in Regex.Matches(fileText, searchTerm).Cast<Match>()
            group match by match.Value into grp
            select new
                key = grp.Key,
                value = grp.Count()


Regex.Matches(fileText, searchTerm).Cast<Match>()

所以你可以写类似 from match in ... 的查询


from Match match in Regex.Matches(fileText, searchTerm)

关于c# - 如何在 C# (linq) 上创建困难组?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49519373/


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