c# - 具有范围的 Asp.net 核心 2.1 OpenIdConnectOptions 不起作用

标签 c# asp.net-core identityserver4 openid-connect

请告诉我为什么我不能向 OpenIdConnectOptions 添加任何范围?它不适用于 ASP.NET Core MVC 客户端,但与 js 客户端一起工作正常!



public static IEnumerable<Client> GetClients()
    return new List<Client>
        new Client
          ClientId = "web",
          ClientName = "Web Client",
          AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Implicit,
          AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
          AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken = true,
          RedirectUris = {"http://localhost:5002/signin-oidc"},
          PostLogoutRedirectUris = {"http://localhost:5002/signout-callback-oidc"},
          AllowedCorsOrigins = {"http://localhost:5002"},
          AllowedScopes =
          AccessTokenLifetime = 300,
          IdentityTokenLifetime = 3600,
          AllowOfflineAccess = true,

接下来,我将代码添加到 mvc 客户端以使用授权。

Mvc 客户端


services.AddAuthorization(options =>
                options.AddPolicy("AdminsOnly", policyUser => 
                       { policyUser.RequireClaim("role", "admin"); }));

services.AddAuthentication(options =>
    options.DefaultScheme = "Cookies";
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "oidc";
.AddOpenIdConnect("oidc", options =>
    options.SignInScheme = "Cookies";

    options.Authority = "http://localhost:5000";
    options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
    options.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true;

    options.ClientId = "web";
    options.SaveTokens = true;

当我尝试切换到标记有 [authorize] 属性的操作时,出现错误

Sorry, there was an error : invalid_scope.

如果我删除 options.Scope.Add("api 1"); 行,则身份验证有效。但在这种情况下,我无法指定角色等等......



将此行添加到您的 MVC 客户端的 AddOpenIdConnect 选项以请求身份 token 访问 token :

                    options.ResponseType = "id_token token";

您的 JS 客户端请求身份 token 访问 token ,而 MVC 客户端仅请求身份 token 和资源身份 token 中不允许范围。参见 http://docs.identityserver.io/en/release/endpoints/authorize.html :

id_token requests an identity token (only identity scopes are allowed)

token requests an access token (only resource scopes are allowed)

关于c# - 具有范围的 Asp.net 核心 2.1 OpenIdConnectOptions 不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52033154/


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