c# - 如何从一维 int 数组返回数字网格?

标签 c# arrays datagrid language-agnostic

目前,我有一个一维整数数组,用于形成 9x9 的数字网格(但可以是任何大小)。 我想输入一个索引并返回一个 3x3 的数字网格,有效地将 9x9 网格分解为 3x3 网格(想想数独游戏)。

到目前为止,我已经尝试了两种嵌套循环,一种针对网格的高度进行循环,另一种针对网格的宽度进行循环。但是我无法让它与第一个 3x3 网格以外的任何东西一起工作,或者当尺寸从 9x9 改变时。


int squareWidth = 3;
int squareHeight = 3;

int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    for (int j = index; j < 3; j++)

4x4 网格示例应返回 2x2 网格,但在一维数组中。

假设第一个 2x2 网格是 1,2,2,4。在索引 0、1、4、5 处找到的数字。

第二个 2x2 网格是 7,2,4,5。在索引 2、3、6、7 处找到的数字。

var gameboard = new int[] { 
1, 2, 7, 2,
2, 4, 4, 5,
4, 2, 1, 3,
3, 1, 2, 2 };




因为我在 GetByGrid() 中输入 2,它应该返回 2x2 网格




进一步说明网格是如何分解的。这是一个带有四个 2x2 网格的 4x4 棋盘。一个 9x9 的棋盘会有 9 个 3x3 的格子。

1,2 | 7,2
2,4 | 4,5
4,2 | 1,3
3,1 | 2,2


为什么不使用 OOP 并创建一个带有网格元素索引器和返回子矩阵的方法的游戏板类。像这样:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var game = new GameBoard(3);
        // Fill the board with sequencial number (the index).
        var index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < game.SubGridCount; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < game.SubGridCount; j++)
                game[i, j] = index++;
        // game = 
        // +----------+----------+----------+
        // |  0  1  2 |  3  4  5 |  6  7  8 |
        // |  9 10 11 | 12 13 14 | 15 16 17 |
        // | 18 19 20 | 21 22 23 | 24 25 26 |
        // +----------+----------+----------+
        // | 27 28 29 | 30 31 32 | 33 34 35 |
        // | 36 37 38 | 39 40 41 | 42 43 44 |
        // | 45 46 47 | 48 49 50 | 51 52 53 |
        // +----------+----------+----------+
        // | 54 55 56 | 57 58 59 | 60 61 62 |
        // | 63 64 65 | 66 67 68 | 69 70 71 |
        // | 72 73 74 | 75 76 77 | 78 79 80 |
        // +----------+----------+----------+
        var data = game.ToArray();
        // [0,1,2,3,4,5...79,80]

        var A11 = game.GetSubArray(0, 0);
        // [0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20]
        var A12 = game.GetSubArray(0, 1);
        // [3,4,5,12,13,14,21,22,23]
        var A13 = game.GetSubArray(0, 2);
        // [6,7,8,15,16,17,24,25,25]
        var A32 = game.GetSubArray(2, 1);
        // [57,58,59,66,67,68,75,76,77]

        // In the A23 subgrid, get the (3,1) element
        var x2331 = game[1, 2, 2, 0];
        // 51


public class GameBoard 
    public GameBoard(int subGridSize)
        this.SubGridSize = subGridSize;
        this.SubGridCount = subGridSize*subGridSize;
        this.Elements = new int[subGridSize*subGridSize*subGridSize*subGridSize];
    public int SubGridSize { get; }
    public int SubGridCount { get; }
    int[] Elements { get; }

    public int this[int row, int col]
        get => Elements[SubGridCount*row+col];
        set => Elements[SubGridCount*row+col] = value;
    public int this[int grid_row, int grid_col, int row, int col]
        get => Elements[SubGridCount*(grid_row*SubGridSize+row) + grid_col*SubGridSize + col];
        set => Elements[SubGridCount*(grid_row*SubGridSize+row) + grid_col*SubGridSize + col] = value;

    // Make a copy of the elements
    public int[] ToArray() => Elements.Clone() as int[];

    public int[] GetSubArray(int grid_row, int grid_col)
        var array = new int[SubGridCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < SubGridSize; i++)
            var first_element = SubGridCount * (grid_row*SubGridSize+i) + grid_col* SubGridSize;
            for (int j = 0; j < SubGridSize; j++)
                array[i*SubGridSize + j] = Elements[first_element +j];
        return array;

future 的工作

为了获得更大的灵 active ,您可以添加一个包含 n×n 元素的 SubGrid 类,这样您就可以拥有更多特定于子网格的方法。例如:

        var S32 = game.GetSubGrid(2, 1);
        // 57  58  59
        // 66  67  68
        // 75  76  77


public class SubGrid 
    public SubGrid(int size)
        this.Size = size;
        this.Elements = new int[size*size];
    public SubGrid(int size, int[] elements)
        this.Size = size;
        this.Elements  = elements;
    public int Size { get; }
    public int[] Elements { get; }
    public int this[int row, int col]
        get => Elements[Size*row+col];
        set => Elements[Size*row+col] = value;
    public int[] ToArray() => Elements.Clone() as int[];

    public override string ToString()
        const int col_size = 3;
        // print the grid
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            var row = Elements.Skip(i*Size).Take(Size);
            sb.AppendLine(string.Join(" ", row.Select((x) => $"{x,-col_size}")));
        return sb.ToString();

关于c# - 如何从一维 int 数组返回数字网格?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57839079/


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