c# - 自定义 PowerShell 提示符 - 相当于 CMD 的 $M$P$_$+$G?

标签 c# powershell command prompt customization

我已经开始“玩弄”PowerShell 并试图让它“正常运行”。

我想做的一件事是将 PROMPT 自定义为“类似于”MS-Dos 上的“$M$P$_$+$G”:


$m 与当前驱动器盘符关联的远程名称,如果当前驱动器不是网络驱动器,则为空字符串。
$p 当前驱动器和路径
$_ 输入换行
$+ 零个或多个加号 (+) 字符,具体取决于 pushd 目录堆栈的深度,每个插入的级别一个字符
$g >(大于号)


    \\spma1fp1\JARAVJ$ H:\temp

我已经能够将 $M$_ 功能(以及一个漂亮的历史记录功能)添加到我的提示中,如下所示:

function prompt
   ## Get the history. Since the history may be either empty,
   ## a single item or an array, the @() syntax ensures
   ## that PowerShell treats it as an array
   $history = @(get-history)

   ## If there are any items in the history, find out the
   ## Id of the final one.
   ## PowerShell defaults the $lastId variable to '0' if this
   ## code doesn't execute.
   if($history.Count -gt 0)
      $lastItem = $history[$history.Count - 1]
      $lastId = $lastItem.Id

   ## The command that we're currently entering on the prompt
   ## will be next in the history. Because of that, we'll
   ## take the last history Id and add one to it.
   $nextCommand = $lastId + 1

   ## Get the current location
   $currentDirectory = get-location

   ## Set the Windows Title to  the current location
   $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS: " + $currentDirectory

   ## And create a prompt that shows the command number,
   ## and current location
   "PS:$nextCommand $currentDirectory





function prompt
   ## Get the history. Since the history may be either empty,
   ## a single item or an array, the @() syntax ensures
   ## that PowerShell treats it as an array
   $history = @(get-history)

   ## If there are any items in the history, find out the
   ## Id of the final one.
   ## PowerShell defaults the $lastId variable to '0' if this
   ## code doesn't execute.
   if($history.Count -gt 0)
      $lastItem = $history[$history.Count - 1]
      $lastId = $lastItem.Id

   ## The command that we're currently entering on the prompt
   ## will be next in the history. Because of that, we'll
   ## take the last history Id and add one to it.
   $nextCommand = $lastId + 1

   ## Get the current location
   $currentDirectory = get-location

   ## Set the Windows Title to  the current location
   $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS: " + $currentDirectory

   ##pushd info
   $pushdCount = $(get-location -stack).count
   $pushPrompt = ""
   for ($i=0; $i -lt $pushdCount; $i++)
       $pushPrompt += "+"

   ## And create a prompt that shows the command number,
   ## and current location
   "PS:$nextCommand $currentDirectory `n$($pushPrompt)>"

关于c# - 自定义 PowerShell 提示符 - 相当于 CMD 的 $M$P$_$+$G?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/157923/


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