c# - 从 C# 调用 F# 函数并获取空引用异常

标签 c# f# closures fastfunc

我使用的是安装了 2009 年 10 月版 F# CTP 的 Visual Studio 2008。

我正在尝试从我的 C# 程序中调用一些 F# 代码。大多数类型的 F# 函数似乎都可以工作,但有些函数没有在 F# 中初始化并抛出 NullReferenceExceptions。执行此操作的是闭包和部分应用函数,即在 C# 中显示为 FastFunc<> 类型的东西。

我做错了什么或忘记了什么,或者这可能是 F# 或 .NET 的错误?

下面的代码是为了演示这个问题。我实际上并没有尝试在实际应用程序中使用此代码。 此外,在 F# 中,一切正常。这是一个 F# 到 C# 的问题


namespace FS      
module FunctionTypes =

    //these all work in c# as expected
    let Value = "value"

    let OneParam (str:string) = str

    let TwoParam (str:string) (str2:string) = str + " " + str2

    let Lambda =
        fun () -> "lambda"  

    //these functions are null references in C#
    // they do work as expected in F# interactive mode
    let PartialApplication = TwoParam "what's up"

    let Closure = 
        let o = new System.Object()
        fun (i:int) -> o.ToString() + i.ToString()

    let ClosureWrapper (i:int) =
        Closure i  

C#(引用 F# 项目和 FSharp.Core)

 //these work as expected:
        var oneParam = FS.FunctionTypes.OneParam("hey");
        var twoParam = FS.FunctionTypes.TwoParam("yeah", "you");
        var lambdaFunction = FS.FunctionTypes.Lambda();
        var value = FS.FunctionTypes.Value;
        //  in the May09 CTP, Value returned null, 
        //      so it must have been fixed in Oct09 CTP

 //these do not work--each throws a NullReferenceException.
        var partial = FS.FunctionTypes.PartialApplication.Invoke("hello");
        var closure = FS.FunctionTypes.Closure.Invoke(1);
        var closureWrapper = FS.FunctionTypes.ClosureWrapper(1);

 //  FS.FunctionTypes.Closure itself is null, 
 //  so is FS.FunctionTypes.PartialAppliction.
 //  FS.FunctionTypes.ClosureWrapper is a regular function, 
 //    but it calls Closure, which is null     


它对我有用,我得到“what's up hello”、“System.Object1”、“System.Object1”用于部分、闭包和 closureWrapper 变量。您引用的是好的 FSharp.Core 程序集吗?

关于c# - 从 C# 调用 F# 函数并获取空引用异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1633562/


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