c# - 通过存储库模式将 WPF 控件绑定(bind)到 SQL Server

标签 c# sql-server wpf entity-framework repository-pattern

如何将 wpf 控件绑定(bind)到 SQL Server 属性。比如说一个列表框

                <GridViewColumn Header="Name">
                <GridViewColumn Header="Date Assigned">
                <GridViewColumn Header="Date Due">
        <!-- iterate through all the Names in the database and output under GridViewColumn Name -->
        <!-- iterate through all the DateAssigned in the database and output under GridViewColumn Date Assigned -->
        <!-- iterate through all the DateDue in the database and output under GridViewColumn Date Due -->

我正在使用 Entity Framework 和存储库模式。所以我会通过 _repository.ToList(); 将所有名称调用到一个列表中;


试试这个:listViewName.ItemsSource = _repository.ToList();

我还会像这样简化 Xaml:

<ListBox x:Name="listViewName">
            <Grid Height="22" Width="Auto">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
                <TextBlock  Text="{Binding DateAssigned}" />
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding DateDue}" />

{Binding 之后的文本是您从 _repository 返回的集合中项目的属性名称。

关于c# - 通过存储库模式将 WPF 控件绑定(bind)到 SQL Server,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097733/


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