c# - 如何在 Word 表格中选择矩形单元格区域

标签 c# ms-word


Table table;
Cell cell_1 = table.Cell(2,2);
Cell cell_2 = table.Cell(4,4);

我想选择(或突出显示)从 cell_1 到 cell_2(就像您手动选择一样)。


Selection.MoveRight(wdUnits.wdCell, numCells, WdMovementType.wdExtend)

但根据http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.word.selection.moveright%28v=office.11%29.aspx根据备注,使用 wdCells 作为单位会将 WdMovementType 默认为 wdMove,我想不出解决方法。



word.Table table;
word.Cell cellTopLeft; //some cell on table.
word.Cell cellBottomRight; //another cell on table. MUST BE BELOW AND/OR TO THE RIGHT OF cellTopLeft

int cellTopLeftPosition = (cellTopLeft.RowIndex - 1) * table.Columns.Count + cellTopLeft.ColumnIndex;
int cellBottomRightPosition = (cellBottomRight.RowIndex - 1) * table.Columns.Count + cellBottomRight.ColumnIndex;
int stepsToTake = cellBottomRightPosition - cellTopLeftPosition;

if (stepsToTake > 0 && 
    cellTopLeft.RowIndex <= cellBottomRight.RowIndex && //enforces bottom right cell is actually below of top left cell
    cellTopLeft.ColumnIndex <= cellBottomRight.ColumnIndex) //enforces bottom right cell is actually to the right of top left cell
   word.Range range = cellTopLeft.Range;
   range.MoveEnd(word.WdUnits.wdCell, stepsToTake);

关于c# - 如何在 Word 表格中选择矩形单元格区域,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9026994/


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