c# - 在单元测试中进行多次调用而不使用 for 循环

标签 c# .net unit-testing nunit

假设我有一个类似于下面的单元测试,有没有一种方法可以编写一个单元测试而不是多个单元测试,同时又避免在单元测试中使用 for 循环?

public void RunTestWithMultipleOptions()
  MyClass code = new MyClass();
  code.Prefix = "{DS1}";  //Options are {DS1}, {DS2}, {DS3}, {DS4}
  //Property could be set to
  //code.Prefix = "{DS1}{DS2}";
  //code.Prefix = "{DS1}{DS2}{DS3}";

  //And so on

 //Based on how many {DS} used a method needs calling


  //If used {DS1}{DS2} in Prefix then

  //If used {DS1}{DS2}{DS3} in Prefix then

  string OutputData = String.Empty;

  code.Output += delegate(int Id, string Data) 
                    if (Id == (int)OutputsEnum.OutputModified)
                      OutputData = Data; 

  //Call the input method which will raise the Output event which we can assert against
  code.Input("hi there");

  //Assert that output has replace the prefix {DS} with the data in the datastorecontent list

  Assert.AreEqual("Data1hi there", OutputData);

我可以将属性值传递给单元测试方法并使用测试用例,但根据属性的内容,MyMethod 需要被调用 x 次。如果不在测试中放置循环,我无法想出一种方法,而不将所有渗透作为单独的单元测试。


    public event Action<int, string> Output;

    public string Prefix { get; set; }

    public string Postfix { get; set; }

    private List<string> DataStoreContents = new List<string>() { "", "", "", "" };

    public void Input(string Data)
        if (Output != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Prefix))
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS1}", DataStoreContents[0]);
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS2}", DataStoreContents[1]);
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS3}", DataStoreContents[2]);
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS4}", DataStoreContents[3]);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Postfix))
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS1}", DataStoreContents[0]);
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS2}", DataStoreContents[1]);
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS3}", DataStoreContents[2]);
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS4}", DataStoreContents[3]);

                Output((int)OutputsEnum.OutputBeforeModified, Data);
                Output((int)OutputsEnum.OutputModified, Prefix + Data + Postfix);
                Output((int)OutputsEnum.OutputAfterModified, Data);

    public void InputDataStore(int DataStore, string Data)
        if (DataStore < 1 || DataStore > 4)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Datastore number out of range");

        DataStoreContents[DataStore - 1] = Data;


我想测试一下当我调用InputDataStore(1,"MyData1");时的情况InputDataStore(2, "MyData"); Output 实际上确实用相关字符串替换了相关的 {DS1} 值,并将其与任何其他 {DS} 值组合起来


一种选择是单独测试每个调用,然后一起测试所有调用。如果您测试 A&B&C,您可以限制自己单独测试 A、B、C 以及一起测试 A&B&C。一个选项是下一个代码(做了一些假设):

    public class ToTestFixture
        public void SetUp()
            _instance = new ToTest();
            _instance.InputDataStore(1, "1");
            _instance.InputDataStore(2, "2");
            _instance.InputDataStore(3, "3");
            _instance.InputDataStore(4, "4");

        private ToTest _instance;
        [TestCase("{DS2}", "2")]
        [TestCase("{DS3}", "3")]
        [TestCase("{DS4}", "4")]
        [TestCase("{DS1}{DS2}{DS3}{DS4}", "1234")]
        public void TestPrefixReplacements(string input, string expectedResult)

            _instance.Prefix = input;

            //Call the input method which will raise the Output event which we can test
            _instance.Input("Any string goes here as we test only prefix." );

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, _instance.Prefix);


    internal enum OutputsEnum

    public class ToTest
        public event Action<int, string> Output = (x, result) => Console.WriteLine(x.ToString() + result);

        public string Prefix { get; set; }

        public string Postfix { get; set; }

        private List<string> DataStoreContents = new List<string>() {"1", "2", "3", "4"};

        public void Input(string Data)
            if (Output != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Prefix))
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS1}", DataStoreContents[0]);
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS2}", DataStoreContents[1]);
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS3}", DataStoreContents[2]);
                    Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS4}", DataStoreContents[3]);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Postfix))
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS1}", DataStoreContents[0]);
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS2}", DataStoreContents[1]);
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS3}", DataStoreContents[2]);
                    Postfix = Postfix.Replace("{DS4}", DataStoreContents[3]);

                Output((int) OutputsEnum.OutputBeforeModified, Data);
                Output((int) OutputsEnum.OutputModified, Prefix + Data + Postfix);
                Output((int) OutputsEnum.OutputAfterModified, Data);
        public void InputDataStore(int DataStore, string Data)
            if (DataStore < 1 || DataStore > 4)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Datastore number out of range");

            DataStoreContents[DataStore - 1] = Data;

无论如何,我觉得“DS1”和数组的索引之间存在某种联系。 (1-0、2-1)。这意味着下一次重构是可能的:

Prefix = Prefix.Replace("{DS"+index+"}", DataStoreContents[index-1]);

更重要的是,我认为输出操作决策很奇怪,并且两个 if-s 是重复的代码。这就是我的意思:

   public void Input(string Data)
        if (Output != null)
            Prefix = ApplyReplaceRules(Prefix);

            Postfix = ApplyReplaceRules(Postfix);

            Output((int) OutputsEnum.OutputBeforeModified, Data);
            Output((int) OutputsEnum.OutputModified, Prefix + Data + Postfix);
            Output((int) OutputsEnum.OutputAfterModified, Data);

    private string ApplyReplaceRules(string patternString)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Postfix))
            patternString = patternString.Replace("{DS1}", DataStoreContents[0]);
            patternString = patternString.Replace("{DS2}", DataStoreContents[1]);
            patternString = patternString.Replace("{DS3}", DataStoreContents[2]);
            patternString = patternString.Replace("{DS4}", DataStoreContents[3]);

        return patternString;

关于c# - 在单元测试中进行多次调用而不使用 for 循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9400979/


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