c# - 代码签名应该放在构建/发布过程中的什么位置?

标签 c# visual-studio-2010 build-process code-signing post-build-event







Delay Signing an Assembly :

An organization can have a closely guarded key pair that developers do not have access to on a daily basis. The public key is often available, but access to the private key is restricted to only a few individuals. When developing assemblies with strong names, each assembly that references the strong-named target assembly contains the token of the public key used to give the target assembly a strong name. This requires that the public key be available during the development process.

You can use delayed or partial signing at build time to reserve space in the portable executable (PE) file for the strong name signature, but defer the actual signing until some later stage (typically just before shipping the assembly).

关于c# - 代码签名应该放在构建/发布过程中的什么位置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10457752/


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