c# - C# 中的缩放图像

标签 c# winforms image-processing


public partial class ImageDetail : UserControl
    public delegate void onClose();
    public event onClose close;
    Image pbImage;
    public ImageDetail(Image img)
        pictureBox.Image = img;
        pbImage = img;
        pictureBox.Width = this.pbImage.Width;
        pictureBox.Height = this.pbImage.Height;
        panel2.AutoScroll = true;
        panel2.HorizontalScroll.Maximum = img.Width;
        panel2.VerticalScroll.Maximum   = img.Height;
        panel2.HorizontalScroll.Minimum = 0;
        panel2.VerticalScroll.Minimum   = 0;
        panel2.SetAutoScrollMargin(10, 10);            

    private void label2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (close != null)

    private void DrawImage(int startX, int startY)
        if (this.pbImage == null) { return; }

        Graphics pbGraphics = this.pictureBox.CreateGraphics();
        BufferedGraphicsContext currentGraphicsContext = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;
        Rectangle targetRect = new Rectangle(startX, startY, (this.pbImage.Width + tmpWidth), (this.pbImage.Height + tmpHeight));
        using (BufferedGraphics pbGDIBuffer = currentGraphicsContext.Allocate(pbGraphics, targetRect))
            Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(startX, startY, (this.pbImage.Width + tmpWidth), (this.pbImage.Height + tmpHeight));

            pbGDIBuffer.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(this.pbImage, drawRect);
        pictureBox.Width = this.pbImage.Width + tmpWidth;
        pictureBox.Height = this.pbImage.Height + tmpHeight;

    int tmpWidth = 0, tmpHeight = 0;
    private void toolStripSplitButton1_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        tmpWidth = tmpWidth + ((this.pbImage.Width * 20) / 100);
        tmpHeight = tmpHeight + ((this.pbImage.Height * 20) / 100);

        pictureBox.Width = this.pbImage.Width + tmpWidth;
        pictureBox.Height = this.pbImage.Height + tmpHeight;
        DrawImage(0, 0);

    private void toolStripSplitButton2_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if(tmpWidth > 0)
            tmpWidth = tmpWidth - ((this.pbImage.Width * 20) / 100);
        if(tmpHeight > 0)
            tmpHeight = tmpHeight - ((this.pbImage.Height * 20) / 100);
        if (tmpHeight < 0)
            tmpHeight = 0;
        if (tmpWidth < 0)
            tmpWidth = 0;
        DrawImage(0, 0);                      

    private void panel2_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        pictureBox.Width = this.pbImage.Width + tmpWidth;
        pictureBox.Height = this.pbImage.Height + tmpHeight;

    private void panel2_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        pictureBox.Width = this.pbImage.Width + tmpWidth;
        pictureBox.Height = this.pbImage.Height + tmpHeight;



您应该在 Paint 上绘制图像事件(例如):

pictureBox.Paint += (sender, e) =>
        var drawRect = new Rectangle(startX, startY, pictureBox.Width, pictureBox.Height);
        e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(this.pbImage, drawRect);

调整大小后调用 Invalidate方法:



public ImageDetail(Image img)
    pictureBox.Image = img;
    pbImage = img;
    pictureBox.Paint += pictureBox_Paint;

void pictureBox_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    if (pbImage == null) { return; }
    var drawRect = new Rectangle(startX, startY, pictureBox.Width, pictureBox.Height);
    e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(this.pbImage, drawRect);

private void toolStripSplitButton1_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ///... resize to what you need 
    pictureBox.Width = (int) (pbImage.Width*0.2);
    pictureBox.Height = (int) (pbImage.Height * 0.2);

关于c# - C# 中的缩放图像,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13225419/


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