c# - 克隆一个包含许多对象并列出的对象 C#

标签 c# reference clone circular-reference

您好:) 我在克隆 winForm 中包含其他对象和列表的对象时遇到问题。 我想克隆一个结构类型的对象下面提供了类 首先我尝试过浅克隆

public Structure Clone()
    return this.MemberwiseClone() as Structure;


Deep cloning objects 和这个 How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET (C# specifically)?

public static T DeepClone<T>(T obj)
 using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
   var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
   formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
   ms.Position = 0;

   return (T) formatter.Deserialize(ms);


var backup=DeepClone<Structure>(this.sched); //sched is Structure Object

然后更改 this.sched 备份已更改:(


public class Sub
    string name;

    int studentsNumber;

    int unassaignedStudent;

    public Sub(string name, int number)
        this.name = name;
        this.studentsNumber = number;
        this.unassaignedStudent = number;

public Subject()
            this.name = "";
            this.studentsNumber = 0;
            this.unassaignedStudent = 0;

    public bool Assigne(int count)

    public Sub Clone()
        return this.MemberwiseClone() as Sub;

class Room

    string name;
    int studentsNumber;
    int full;
    private int freeSeats;
    List<Sub> subjects;

    /// <summary>
    /// the list of subjects
    /// </summary>
    internal List<Sub> Subjects
        get { return subjects; }
        set { subjects = value; }

    Dictionary<Subject, int> variations;

    public Room(string name, int number)
        this.name = name;
        this.studentsNumber = number;
        this.full = 0;
        this.subjects = new List<Subject>();
        this.variations = new Dictionary<Subject, int>();
        this.freeSeats = number;

    public Room(int number)
        this.studentsNumber = number;
        this.full = 0;
        this.subjects = new List<Subject>();
        this.variations = new Dictionary<Subject, int>();
        this.freeSeats = number;

     public Room()
        this.name = "R" + count.ToString();
        this.studentsNumber = 0;
        this.full = 0;
        this.subjects = new List<Sub>();
        this.variation= new Dictionary<Sub, int>();
        this.freeSeats = 0;

    public bool addSubject(Sub sbj)
         //also stuff

    public bool addPartialSubject(Sub sbj)
           // return false;

    public Room Clone()
        return this.MemberwiseClone() as Room;


class Period
    List<Room> rooms;

    int conflicts;

    List<Sub> subjects;
    internal List<Sub> Subjects
        get { return subjects; }
        set { subjects = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Create an instance of class Period
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rooms">the rooms in this Period</param>
    public Period(List<Room> rooms)
        this.conflicts = 0;
        this.rooms = rooms;
        subjects = new List<Subject>();
        fillSubjects(ref rooms, ref subjects);
     public Period()
        this.conflicts = 0;
        this.rooms = null;
        subjects = new List<Subt>();
        freeSeats = 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fill the subjects in the rooms to the list of subjects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rooms">referance to the list of the rooms</param>
    /// <param name="subjects">referance to the list of the subjects</param>
    private void fillSubjects(ref List<Room> rooms, ref List<Sub> subjects)
        foreach (var room in rooms)
            foreach (var subject in room.Subjects)
                if (!subjects.Exists(s => s.Name == subject.Name))

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the given subject to the period if there is a place in any room
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s">the subject to add</param>
    /// <returns>true if there is space for this subject and added, otherwise false</returns>
    public bool AddSubject(Sub s)
        foreach (var room in rooms)
            if (room.addSubject(s))
                if (room.addPartialSubject(s))
        return false;

    private int CalculateConflictions(Sub s)
        //also a lot of stuff 

class Structure:IDisposable
    int days;

    /// <summary>
    /// the number of days in the Schedual
    /// </summary>
    public int Days
        get { return days; }
        set { days = value; }

    int periods;

    Period[,] schedualArray;

    List<Room> rooms;

    internal List<Room> Rooms
        get { return rooms; }
        set { rooms = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an instance of the Structure object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rooms">a list of the rooms in the Schedual</param>
    public Structure(int days, int periods,List<Room> rooms)
        this.days = days;
        this.periods = periods;
        this.schedualArray = new Period[days, periods];
        this.subjectCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < periods; j++)
                schedualArray[i, j] = new Period(CloneList(ref rooms)); //here i cloned the list to be in the safe side and it didn't work also

    public Structure()
        this.days = 0;
        this.totalEval = Int32.MaxValue;
        this.periods = 0;
        this.rooms = null;
        this.subjectCount = 0;
        this.schedualArray = null;

    internal bool AddSubject(Sub subject, int day, int period)
        //add the subject into inner lists (room)

    public void PrintStruct()
        for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < periods; j++)
                foreach (var subject in schedualArray[i, j].Subjects)

    public Structure Clone()
        return this.MemberwiseClone() as Structure;

    public List<Room> CloneList(ref List<Room> rooms)
        var lst = new List<Room>();
        foreach (var room in rooms)
        return lst;

    internal void RemoveSubject(Sub subject)

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()

        GC.Collect(g, GCCollectionMode.Forced);


我现在不知道克隆过程的细节是什么,但我的要求是克隆整个对象,其中包含对象的结构和层次结构中的连续对象以及该对象的完整项目。列表指向的不仅有引用 请问谁能帮助我吗,我真的迷路了:(,提前感谢所有有兴趣帮助我的人:) Yaser


Structure backup=XamlClone(this.sched);

private Structure XamlClone(Structure s)
   //First Step
            // create a XAML string
            string stCopie = XamlWriter.Save(s);

            //Secound Step
            // convert him back to an Object of YourTyp
            return XamlReader.Load(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(stCopie))) as Structure;

但内部的period[,]被克隆为null 你能帮帮我吗@WiiMaxx

编辑2.0 我还检查了这篇关于 3 种方法中的深度克隆的文章,我认为我的代码中有循环引用,这就是为什么这对我不起作用 http://blog.nuclex-games.com/mono-dotnet/fast-deep-cloning/ 结束编辑




public class Sub: ICloneable
    struct datenStruct
        internal int studentsNumber;
        internal int unassaignedStudent;
        internal string name;

    private datenStruct USE;

    int studentsNumber;

    public string Name
        get { return USE.name; }
        set { USE.name = value; }

    private Sub(datenStruct struc)
        this.USE = struc;

    public Sub(string name, int number)
        this.USE = new datenStruct();
        this.USE.name = name;
        this.USE.studentsNumber = number;
        this.USE.unassaignedStudent = number;

    public bool Assigne(int count)
        return true;

    public object Clone()
        var copie = new datenStruct();

        copie.name = USE.name;
        copie.unassaignedStudent = USE.unassaignedStudent;
        copie.studentsNumber = USE.studentsNumber;

        return new Sub(copie);


public class Room: ICloneable
    struct datenStruct
        internal int studentsNumber;
        internal int full;
        internal string name;
        internal int freeSeats;
        internal List<Sub> subjects;
        internal Dictionary<Sub, int> variations;

    private datenStruct USE;

    /// <summary>
    /// the list of subjects
    /// </summary>
    internal List<Sub> Subjects
        get { return USE.subjects; }
        set { USE.subjects = value; }

    public Room(string name, int number)
        this.USE = new datenStruct();

        this.USE.name = name;
        this.USE.studentsNumber = number;
        this.USE.full = 0;
        this.USE.subjects = new List<Sub>();
        this.USE.variations = new Dictionary<Sub, int>();
        this.USE.freeSeats = number;

    public Room(int number)
        this.USE = new datenStruct();

        this.USE.studentsNumber = number;
        this.USE.full = 0;
        this.USE.subjects = new List<Sub>();
        this.USE.variations = new Dictionary<Sub, int>();
        this.USE.freeSeats = number;

    private Room(datenStruct struc)
        USE = struc;

    public bool addSubject(Sub sbj)
        //also stuff
        return false;

    public bool addPartialSubject(Sub sbj)
        return false;

    public object Clone()
        var copie = new datenStruct();

        copie.studentsNumber = USE.studentsNumber;
        copie.full = USE.full;
        copie.freeSeats = USE.freeSeats;
        var SubListCopie = new List<Sub>();

        foreach (Sub origSub in USE.subjects)

        copie.subjects = SubListCopie;

        var SubDictCopie = new Dictionary<Sub, int>();

        foreach (KeyValuePair<Sub, int> KvP in USE.variations)

        copie.variations = SubDictCopie;

        return new Room(copie);


public class Period: ICloneable
    struct datenStruct
        internal List<Room> rooms;
        internal List<Sub> subjects;
        internal string name;
        internal int conflicts;

    private datenStruct USE;

    internal List<Sub> Subjects
        get { return USE.subjects; }
        set { USE.subjects = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Create an instance of class Period
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rooms">the rooms in this Period</param>
    public Period(List<Room> rooms)
        this.USE.conflicts = 0;
        this.USE.rooms = rooms;
        this.USE.subjects = new List<Sub>();
        fillSubjects(ref USE.rooms, ref USE.subjects);

    private Period(datenStruct struc)
        USE = struc;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fill the subjects in the rooms to the list of subjects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rooms">referance to the list of the rooms</param>
    /// <param name="subjects">referance to the list of the subjects</param>
    private void fillSubjects(ref List<Room> rooms, ref List<Sub> subjects)
        foreach (var room in rooms)
            foreach (var subject in room.Subjects)
                if (!subjects.Exists(s => s.Name == subject.Name))

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the given subject to the period if there is a place in any room
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s">the subject to add</param>
    /// <returns>true if there is space for this subject and added, otherwise false</returns>
    public bool AddSubject(Sub s)
        foreach (var room in USE.rooms)
            if (room.addSubject(s))
                if (room.addPartialSubject(s))
        return false;

    private int CalculateConflictions(Sub s)
        //also a lot of stuff 
        return 1;

    public object Clone()
        var copie = new datenStruct();

        copie.name = USE.name;
        copie.conflicts = USE.conflicts;

        var RoomListCopie = new List<Room>();

        foreach (Room origSub in USE.rooms)

        copie.rooms = RoomListCopie;

        var SubListCopie = new List<Sub>();

        foreach (Sub origSub in USE.subjects)

        copie.subjects = SubListCopie;

        return new Period(copie);


public class Structure : IDisposable,ICloneable
    struct datenStruct
        internal int days;
        internal int subjectCount;
        internal int periods;
        internal Period[,] schedualArray;
        internal List<Room> rooms;

    private datenStruct USE;

    /// <summary>
    /// the number of days in the Schedual
    /// </summary>
    public int Days
        get { return USE.days; }
        set { USE.days = value; }

    internal List<Room> Rooms
        get { return USE.rooms; }
        set { USE.rooms = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an instance of the Structure object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rooms">a list of the rooms in the Schedual</param>
    public Structure(int days, int periods, List<Room> rooms)
        this.USE.days = days;
        this.USE.periods = periods;
        this.USE.rooms = rooms;
        this.USE.schedualArray = new Period[days, periods];
        this.USE.subjectCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < periods; j++)
                USE.schedualArray[i, j] = new Period(CloneList(ref rooms)); //here i cloned the list to be in the safe side and it didn't work also

    private Structure(datenStruct struc) 
        this.USE = struc;

    internal bool AddSubject(Sub subject, int day, int period)
        //add the subject into inner lists (room)
        return true;

    public void PrintStruct()
        for (int i = 0; i < USE.days; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < USE.periods; j++)
                foreach (var subject in USE.schedualArray[i, j].Subjects)

    public List<Room> CloneList(ref List<Room> rooms)
        var lst = new List<Room>();
        foreach (var room in rooms)
        return lst;

    internal void RemoveSubject(Sub subject)

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()
       // GC.Collect(g, GCCollectionMode.Forced);


    public object Clone()
        var copie =new datenStruct();

        copie.days = USE.days;
        copie.subjectCount = USE.subjectCount;
        copie.periods = USE.periods;

        var RoomListCopie = new List<Room>();

        foreach (Room origSub in USE.rooms)

        copie.rooms = RoomListCopie;

        copie.schedualArray = new Period[copie.days, copie.periods];
        for (int i = 0; i < copie.days; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < copie.periods; j++)
                copie.schedualArray[i, j] = new Period(CloneList(ref copie.rooms));

        return new Structure(copie);

关于c# - 克隆一个包含许多对象并列出的对象 C#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15453308/


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